What Is Tungsten?


  1. The questions I needed to ask to create my sway is what is the history of tungsten? what is the periodic table information? and what are the characteristics of tungsten?
  2. The familiar digital tools I used during this project are my phone, laptop, and google search, I did make sure to check multiple sources when I was researching.
  3. the process I used to investigate this topic is at first I went through multiple websites to find information, after that, I put some rough notes down, then I organized the notes into a way easier for me to navigate it, and then I created the sway.
  4. I verified the information I found by looking at multiple websites to see if there was more than one source that had this information.
  5. the process of completing this project is was not the most challenging but something that could have gone better is my time management and being distracted.


My sources:





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