My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month September 2016

Exponential Graph

The equation my group had was y = 2^-x. We were instructed to make a table of values for ‘x’ equaling numbers -10 through 10. Then we had to plot the points on a graph to show the increase or… Continue Reading →

Exponents Review

Above is a picture of 10 of the exponent rules and prescribed learning outcomes we learned in grade 9.

Irrational Numbers – √2

The number root 2 was discovered by Hippasus who was a Pythagorean, a group of people during Pythagoras’ time that believed that the universe could be explained using rational numbers. Hippasus discovered that this number was irrational, therefore going against… Continue Reading →

Soccer Ball Model

Our task was to create a soccer ball using dry spaghetti and mini marshmallows. Our Process. We started by using the spaghetti to create multiple pentagons of the approximate same size. From there we crossed spaghetti across the pentagon to… Continue Reading →

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