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Technology has taken over our lives

We haven’t realized but we have switched drives


Instead of relying on human interaction

We satisfy ourselves with our avatar’s attraction


It wasn’t always this way, it started out okay

But something has shifted, something has flipped


We’ve stopped using our minds

Started using memory drives


We’ve plugged ourselves in to every device we can find

It’s taken over our lives, can’t you see why?


We keep consuming, buying worthless devices

Convincing ourselves that they are the nicest


We’ve lost connection to the things that matter the most

So I’m telling you now step back from the host


Look around and see what this world has become

We are addicts, and technology our drug


We can’t put it down, can’t live without it

It’s become a part of us, but we’re too blind to see it


We have let this go on for so long

We’ve become zombies, too brainwashed to feel or move on


So unplug, stand up, and go take a walk

Meet someone face-to-face and just talk


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