Corporate Office








Rap: 50     Class: Ms. Hubbard


Name of your host:

David Sawchuk

Relationship to you:



What is your job title?

Pro AV Sales Manager and System Designer

What is your job description?

I sell most major brands of audio and visual presentation equipment and I design audio and visual systems for commercial applications such as schools, theaters, boardrooms, etc.

What are the duties and/ or tasks you perform at your job?

Interface with customers, consulting, system design, sales management, training, quoting, reporting, problem solving

What Qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:


Attended numerous professional sales training and marketing courses


Specialized industry sales training and technical courses, equipment configuration and programming courses, direct interface with manufacturers


30 years of professional sales and system design experience

Skills and Attributes (personal qualities)?

Excellent customer relationship standards with a focus on 100% satisfaction, consistent fast and thorough follow up, honesty, and sincerity

What are some of the things you like about the job?

I love dealing with people, I drive personal satisfaction from helping people achieve their goals, I enjoy providing top quality products and properly designed systems to suit the needs of clients in a manner that out-performs my competitors, I like the flexibility of being able to set my own hours so I can attend events at my kid’s schools spend time with family before and after school hours

What are some of the things you dislike about the job?

I dislike the sometimes long hours required to get the job done, waiting on accounts receivable, long sales cycle with some customers, no paid vacations, no company paid benefits, and lack of government benefits due to being self-employed

How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so?

I expect sales to increase, and hire more sales personal to assist and grow the business

Other question(s)?



Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):

1. Flexible hours
2. Working with a wide range of people
3. Having the experience to be able to help people with technical difficulties on the spot

Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):

1. Long hours to get jobs done
2. The amount of the paperwork that is required
3. No paid vacations

Is this job for you? Why or why not?

This job is not for me because it’s not something I’m interested in, I want to go into arts when I’m older and even though this was interesting for the day it is definitely not something I could do everyday.

Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to you ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).

TOKTW let me experience a workplace environment. It also got me thinking about career options and about what steps I can take now to lead me on a work path that I want to follow.