Fn12 Safety first – visual guide

This is a quick revision of safety procedures while in the kitchen. I will be including one piece of media per every tip for visual learners. For every tip I will explain exactly why the safety procedure should be put to use as well as what the procedure entails.


tip: do not wear long or dangling sleeves when cooking/baking. In doing this there is a high chance of your clothing catching fire above an element or while reaching into a high heat oven.

tip: do not keep flammable items such as towels, oven mitts ect. near the stove top. In doing this there is a high chance of these items catching fire. With this sort of fire its best to put it out with either a fire extinguisher or water.

Whatcouldgowrong when I throw this table cloth on fire
byu/skyleven7 inWhatcouldgowrong

Burn and scalds:

tip: Contrary to common belief, it is not helpful to treat burns or scalds with an oily ointment such as polyisoprene, these gels trap the heat in, making the wound feel worse. The best thing to do in this case is to run the wound under cold water.


tip: Do not use ice or ice water as this may further damage the tissue. Don’t pop blisters over burns, blisters are the body’s way to promote healing in the area, popping a blister may cause scaring in the affected area.

time stamp: 0.00- 0.29


tip: Clean up oil spills as soon as they are acknowledged, this prevents people slipping and falling in the kitchen.

tip: Keep personal belongings such as books, bags ect. out of the kitchen. These things pose tripping hazards for distracted people making food and not watching where they step.

time stamp: 1:40 – 1:49


tip: cut away from yourself and away from fingers, this prevents lacerations and deep cuts.

tip: Do not try to catch a falling knife, attempting this is extremely dangerous as you may grab the blade instead of the handle and experience many painful cuts. If a knife is falling, the safest way to approach the situation is to clear the area and wait for the knife to stop moving before picking it up.

Heavy lifting:

tip: Lift with your legs and not your back, this is much safer way of picking up heavy items and will prevent potential back injuries.

tip: Ask for help when lifting. There is no shame in asking for the help of another person when lifting heavy items to prevent muscle and potential bone injuries.

How to prevent food poisoning:

Tip: Do not use food in a warped or dented can. This may be a sign of foodborne illnesses growing in the can.

Tip: Cook eggs thoroughly or pasteurize before ingesting. Raw eggs are common carriers for salmonella which can be fetal in some cases.

Waste management:

Tip: compost food waste in your home, this is a great way to keep your plants healthy as well as reduce your food waste.

Tip: reuse scrap foods in other recipes, this is a good way to reduce food waste as well as saving money and effort in the kitchen.

made with leftover pie crust

personal hygiene:

tip: wash hands for more than 20 seconds to reduce any bacteria or germs.

12 Memes To Remind You (and Your Team) to Wash Your Hands the Right Way During the COVID-19 Pandemic

bright blue represents germs.

tip: avoid wearing nail polish as it may chip off into the food. This is unsanitary and disgusting.