Bumper sticker – English final project

I thought this was fitting for this novel because one of the themes is family. In the chapter that took place in Bellevue, Washington, tony starts to realize that his family is only looking for the best in him. And even though it may feel annoying to him in the moment, that his mom is pestering him about practicing his instrument, later he should be thankful for her if he had not messed up the recital. Another example of the family theme is the chapter that took place in san Diego, California. Where Jenny is with her grandma. Jenny will listen to the things her grandma says and keep them with her even long after he grandma dies, this comes back to my quote about family, jenny caries her grandams spirit inside her.

I thought that this quote is fitting for this novel because, it is about moving on from sadness and grief. It relates to Brent because, he does move on from what he had done. But he also uses the whirligigs as a way to do so. He uses the whirligigs to help grow and build his future happiness, away from the toxic people and friendships he had in his old life. Because not only is he moving on from what he had done to Leah and her family, but he is moving on form his old life, and his old ways to cope with things in his life. He is moving on, growing, planting new seeds in his life and starting new beginnings. He is using his mistakes to propel himself farther away from old ways.

I think that this applies to the novel because, one of the themes is that actions have consequences. This applies to the way that Brent was carless of his actions on the night of the party: only thinking of himself and his own actions. He didn’t think to realize how his actions could’ve affected others. Then the death of Leah was the consequence. The moral is, that people have to be more careful about their actions, especially if it is something as impulsive as what Brent did.

You Don’t Need Great Power To Make A Impact.


“Small, somewhat effortless acts can level out the scale of inequality in society.”

This applies to the friday everything changed because, when Alma made the comment about the water bucket, she was blind to the sensitivity and importance around to water bucket. But even if she didn’t know it,  she made a great impact on how things will be and how people think.

After Alma said what she did, on pg.5 the author wrote; “if one of those german planes, like in war movies, had suddenly appeared over the school and dropped a bomb” this applies to the theme because, again; Alma doesn’t know what she had done but the impact was like a bomb. What she did was an effortless act. This also connects to Gandalfs quote because; Alma didn’t necessarily have much power, until she said something powerful. It was an ordinary act for her, to speak her mind.

In the world today,  the people who make small acts, make a huge impact. Like planting one tree (picture on the left) can make an impact. Not only on the environment,  but  it could inspire others to do the same, causing a chain of small acts, making a big impact.