Life below water – products

Pacific tree frogs are threatened by pollution in BC. The water ways and forests that make up their habitat are being destroyed through deforestation and pollution. Chemicals leaking into the waterways are especially harmful for frogs. Pacific tree frogs breathe through their skin and get poisoned when dangerous chemicals are brought into their respiratory system through their skin. The frog that I sculpted has a dark underbelly that contrasts with how they traditionally have a white underbelly. I chose to do this to represent how their skin is damaged by their surroundings. 

This page of my altered book is a visual representation of how the fashion industry destroys the lives of many sea animals around the globe. When washing the new fabrics, toxic dyes and micro-fibers are leaked into the homes of sea animals, suffocating them and polluting the water. In my blackout poem I touch on the 79 trillion litters of fresh water that is wasted and covered up every year by the fashion industry. I used lots of scrap fabric to create texture in my piece and recycle.  

To help this issue you can buy clothing second hand through online marketplaces or thrift stores. Stop putting your money into the pockets of toxic companies that destroy our only planet and destroy the lives of others.  


physical touch:

I signed this piece with my handprint. I wanted to make the entire plate about physical touch. I created indents on the sides with my fingers that make texture. The image is of two people cuddling. I made this plate the largest because it is the love language that means the most to me.

gift giving:

Gift giving is my second most loved love language. the image is a heart shaped box with a ribbon and a tag with a heart. I signed it made with love because its meant to be a gift. I porously made the edges rough to highlight the fact that it was handmade.

words of affirmation:

text: front: …i love you.. back: …more than anything…

This plate represents the words of affirmation love language. the image is of a text bubble with a heart in it. I made this plate the smallest because its difficult for me personally to express my love through words.

paper mache – PRODUCT

This dragon chimera was made with inspiration from the Hercules beetle. The strength of this beetle represents my emotional strength, I am able to be strong for others around me as well as hold my own emotional weight. Over my time at riverside I have evolved to be someone strong like the Hercules beetle. The delicate wings of the Hurcules beetle represent my feelings that may be hurt easily by the people close to me who live under the strong shell I have grown for the rest of the world. The crumpled ashy coloured wing represents my “dark side” this wing is destroyed because of pain I have felt in the past, it represents the negative emotions and actions that often come from trauma and pain. The clear and metallic wing represents my “light side” and my transparent and kind personality.

Inquiry – PROCESS

I wanted to try to make a salad bowl using a slump mold. I used a slump mold with thick sides, I was going to create a lip on the bowl but as the clay dried the sides unfortunately broke off.

second, I wanted to create a jar I made the base on the wheel  then made the lid out of a slab.

Paper Mache Process -Dragon

I started by making a armature with two balls of newspaper. after this I paper mashed the egg shapes, once they were dry I was able to cut them open and start forming the head of my dragon. i created a cone shape using newspaper armature then covering it in paper mashe.

To make the shape of the exoskeleton on my  beetles head, I first coverd some areas with fabric and glue to create a smooth surface. Then using paper mache clay I molded the head to create a strong and hard cover. for the eyes I used marble pebbles to create a glossy eye. I painted the backs of these eyes with white paint for the highlight and black paint over top. I hot glued the eyes to the side of the head, but Ive moved them since to be more accurate to the anatomy of a Hercules beetle.

I added small bits of fur to the underside of the horn on the Hercules beetle to act as the setae that beetles use to improve their perception of touch and sound.

To create the silky shinny texture that adorns the outside of the exoskeletons outside I painted on a coat of clear shiny acrylic medium.

After I had to create a body and wings for the beetle dragon. do create the wings I used a heat gun to heat up cellophane to mold onto a shaped cutting of wire. The cellophane only sticks to itself so it was difficult to attach it to the wire. What I did to solve this problem was folding the cellophane over the wire so it could adhere to itself around the wire. I used paper mache and painters tape to create the body of my beetle.



Paper Mache Purpose – Dragon

inspiring animal:

The Hercules beetle is named for its incredible strength being an insect. These beetles can carry up to 850 times their own weight. Beetles are a perfect example of metamorphosis as they evolve into these large insects. Hercules beetles evolve to have a strong exoskeleton as well. Under this cover though they house intricate transparent wings. The strength of this beetle represents my emotional strength, I am able to be strong for others around me as well as hold my own emotional weight. Over my time at riverside I have evolved to be someone strong like the Hercules beetle. The delicate wings of the Hurcules beetle represent my feelings that may be hurt easily by the people close to me who live under the strong shell I have grown for the rest of the world.


Dragons in history appeared as a god mother in the middle east who transformed herself into a legged horned serpent.

In China dragons appeared as having deer antlers a camels head, a hares eyes. a serpents neck, a crocodiles belly, eagles claws tigers claws and buffalos ears. these dragons were said to bring rain, uncover treasures and granting wishes.

I waned to touch on the dragons horned serpent neck in my sketches.

Life below water-PRODUCT

Pacific tree frogs threatened by pollution in BC. The water ways and forests that make up their habitat are being disrespected from deforestation and pollution. Chemicals leaking into the waterways are especially harmful for frogs. Pacific tree frogs breathe through their skin and get poisoned when dangerous chemicals are brought into their respiratory system through their skin. 

The frog that I sculpted has a dark underbelly that contrasts with how they traditionally have a soft white underbelly. I chose to do this to represent how their skin is damaged by their surroundings. 

To help these guys out, avoiding single use packaging, choose recycled products and recycle them again afterwards. Planting trees when you can and being mindful on your consumption of unrecycled material.

Life Below Water – process

  1. After researching pacific tree frogs and the dangers they face, I could start my sculpture. Starting with creating a newspaper armature then rolling out a clay slab. I did not forget to get rid of the air bubbles. After rolling out the slab I was able to drape it over my armature and start to shape my frog. After this I added details like the eyes and shape of the arms and mouth. The last step was to add texture which I did using slip drops for a bumpy texture, along with caving divots using  metal tools.                                                                                                                                                         
  2. The head of my frog is hollow, the shape made on the bottom of the head is meant to act as a support if my sculpture must be hung up.
  3. Once my sculpture  had been bisque fired it was time to paint. I used colours green, brown, yellow, red and white paint to paint my frog. I mixed these colours together to create different tones, highlights and shadows.
  4. After painting was complete I added a clear coat of glossy acrylic to create the effect of wetness on the skin. I also added shimmery dust to places I wanted highlighted like the eyes of my frog.                  

wheel work pt 2

I have successfully completed two wares, for this assignment I was asked to create a mug and a bowl thrown on the wheel.

some difficulties I encountered were cracking and breaking. These problems arose when I was attaching the bunny ears to my mug. After some problem solving, I learned that the clay of the mug base and the clay of the ears I was attempting to attach were of two different dryness levels, this led to cracking in my clay. to fit this problem I brought both clay pieces to the same dryness level.

Working on the wheel I encountered difficulties actually forming my bowls, this project allowed me to hone my wheel working skills to create more uniform looking plates, mugs, and bowls on the wheel: at times they would become off centered or the sides would become uneven. There were many times where I had to restart my mug and bowl because the creation I made on the wheel did not turn out as planned. But one cant learn a skill without mistakes. I was triumphant in making my wares after a few tries and some hours of effort led me to my results.

This mug and bowl were meant to resemble each other in terms of shape. To create this unique shape I used the flat side of my rib and held it against the side of my wares to create a straight up and down shape. Aesthetically I enjoy this shape, for both wares i made a effort to create approximately 1/4 inch thick walls, this delivers a heavier wares, that are more durable and may not crack or chip as easily. The wares pictured above are the results after bien thrown on the wheel and trimmed. The picture of the mug was taken after my first attempt at attaching the ears.

Actias luna — “Luna Moth” | Welcome, visitor!

After my wares were bisque fired, It was time for under glazing! The ears attached to my bunny mug had not fell off in the kiln to my delight. There was a very high chance of this happening considering, the ears had broken off and been re-attached upwards of 3 times. It seems my efforts payed off in the end. The bunny mug was not in need of underglaze, the plan was to feature the texture of the face by adding glaze over top. On the bowl pictured: there is a under glazed Luna moth painted on the base of the ware. These moths are personal to me, they represent connecting with femineity, our inner spirit and trust in ones selves intuition. Luna moths live for only one week after transforming, they do not have time for any games as their soul purpose in this week is to reproduce, create new beginnings and be a beautiful mystical moth.

here are my wares completed, with overglaze.

Life below water – Research – Pacific chorus frog

week 7, October 18th 2022

Species Profile: Pacific Tree Frog – BCWF Bog Blog472 Pacific Tree Frog Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstockamphibians | macrocritters

Pacific tree frogs are in danger because of excess logging and urban development. Pesticides in water are especially dangerous to these frogs because they breath through their skin, in ingesting these toxins they get hurt. This kills pacific tree frogs.

solutions to deforestation include: avoiding single use packaging, choosing recycled products and recycling them again afterwards. Planting trees when you can and being mindful on your consumption of unrecycled material.