Paper Mache Process -Dragon

I started by making a armature with two balls of newspaper. after this I paper mashed the egg shapes, once they were dry I was able to cut them open and start forming the head of my dragon. i created a cone shape using newspaper armature then covering it in paper mashe.

To make the shape of the exoskeleton on my  beetles head, I first coverd some areas with fabric and glue to create a smooth surface. Then using paper mache clay I molded the head to create a strong and hard cover. for the eyes I used marble pebbles to create a glossy eye. I painted the backs of these eyes with white paint for the highlight and black paint over top. I hot glued the eyes to the side of the head, but Ive moved them since to be more accurate to the anatomy of a Hercules beetle.

I added small bits of fur to the underside of the horn on the Hercules beetle to act as the setae that beetles use to improve their perception of touch and sound.

To create the silky shinny texture that adorns the outside of the exoskeletons outside I painted on a coat of clear shiny acrylic medium.

After I had to create a body and wings for the beetle dragon. do create the wings I used a heat gun to heat up cellophane to mold onto a shaped cutting of wire. The cellophane only sticks to itself so it was difficult to attach it to the wire. What I did to solve this problem was folding the cellophane over the wire so it could adhere to itself around the wire. I used paper mache and painters tape to create the body of my beetle.



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