Life Below Water – process

  1. After researching pacific tree frogs and the dangers they face, I could start my sculpture. Starting with creating a newspaper armature then rolling out a clay slab. I did not forget to get rid of the air bubbles. After rolling out the slab I was able to drape it over my armature and start to shape my frog. After this I added details like the eyes and shape of the arms and mouth. The last step was to add texture which I did using slip drops for a bumpy texture, along with caving divots using  metal tools.                                                                                                                                                         
  2. The head of my frog is hollow, the shape made on the bottom of the head is meant to act as a support if my sculpture must be hung up.
  3. Once my sculpture  had been bisque fired it was time to paint. I used colours green, brown, yellow, red and white paint to paint my frog. I mixed these colours together to create different tones, highlights and shadows.
  4. After painting was complete I added a clear coat of glossy acrylic to create the effect of wetness on the skin. I also added shimmery dust to places I wanted highlighted like the eyes of my frog.                  

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