weekly Edublog 3D art 12

Week 12

December 5th 2022

self assessment and reflection:

my goals for this week were to work on a extra plate and to create a edublog post for my wheel work assignment, i also wanted to continue to work on my frog sculpture and continue inquiry projects.

This week I completed my goal to upload a finished reflection to my edublog about my wheel work project. this post is found on my edublog in studio arts 12 category. I also completed my frog sculpture aswell as my artist statement concerning that. I finished two inquiry projects and started to sculpt my dragon chimera out of paper macher.

I did not create a new plate yet I tried to make a plate using a different technique and it did not turn out well.

my goal for next week is to continue working on my dragon chimera and start a plate set to give to refuges.

frog sculpture:

ashtray gift for my brother:

dragon chimera:

inquiry jar with lid:

inquiry bowl:

Week 9 

October 31st 2022

self assessment and refelction:

My goals for last week were to finish my set of plates and to start sculpting my animals. I was also aiming to complete some edublog posts.

This week I completed my goal of sculpting my marine animal, I technically finished my set of plates but I am planning to make an extra one because I am not satisfied with how my plates fit together.

my goals for next week are to work on my extra plate and to create a edublog post for my wheel work assignment, i would also like to continue my frog sculpture and continue my inquiry projects.

Gift giving under glazed:

gift giving glazed:

words of affirmation underglaze:

words of affirmation overglazed:

frog sculpture:

Week 8

October 24th 2022

self assessment and reflection:

My goals for last week were to make a edblog post for my wheelwork assignment, to continue working on my set of plates, and to get started on my life below water assignment, doing research and finding a animal to sculpt.

Last week I completed my goal of choosing which animal to sculpt along with doing research on the animal and what threats it faces. I still did not make a updated edublog post about my wheel work assignment. I continued to make progress on my set of plates. I also worked on passion projects.

I had difficulties glazing my plate as some spots were not entirely covered in overglaze.

my goals for next week are to complete my set of plates, start sculpting my marine animal, and to create a edublog post about my completed wheel work assignment and if I complete my plates to make a edublog post about those.

photo evidence of what I created this week:


Physical touch plate, glazed and fired for the second time:

Physical touch plate, glazed for the first time:


inquiry jar with a lid, yet to be fired :

under glazed inquiry bowl from two weeks ago:

inquiry bowl on the wheel:

Week 7

October 17th 2022

self assessment and reflection:

My goals for last week were to make a edublog post for my wheelwork assignment, glaze my mug underglaze my plates.

What I completed last week wasn’t exactly what my goals were, I still created art and had fun! Last week I worked on passion projects/inquiry projects, completed a slump mold project, worked on my plate set about love languages and completed both wares for my wheel work project.

My goal for this week is to create my eduglog post for my wheelwork project, continue working on my plate set and get started on the life below water assignment, by doing research and finding a animal to sculpt.

Last week I had difficulties coming up with design ideas for my plate set, I combated these difficulties by thumbnailing ideas and taking more time with the prosses and brainstorming.

photo evidence of what I created this week:

Design, underglaze, and overglazed physical touch plate:

my slump mold plate before and after being fired at cone 5: this overglaze made my heart happy.

The inquiry cup I threw on the wheel last week, with underglaze and overglaze after being fired: my overglaze came out with many bubbles, this happened because I put the overglaze on too thick. I still enjoy the finished product. In a positive light, the bubbles add texture.

Gift giving plate, ready to be bisque fired:

Final glazed mug for wheelwork project:


Week 6

October 10th 2022

self assessment and reflection:

My goals for last week were to bisque fire and glaze my wheel work project wares, create hum and slump mold plates or bowls, and make a new post for my wheel work assignment.

This week I created three hump and slump mold wares, I overglazed the bowl that is a part of my wheel work assignment, bisque fired my wheel work mug, and started two passion projects.

I completed most of my goals in the time provided. Next week I plan to complete a wheel work edublog post, to do this I will need to glaze and fire my mug. Another goal of mine is to complete the before-glazing steps for all the wares in my plate set project. last week I had some difficulties rolling out the slabs for my hump and slump mold plates. The clay constantly appeared too dry, to fix this problem I wet sponged my slabs and compressed with a rib.

on the left is my bowl before being fired with glaze on it. The photos on the right are after being fired.

Hump mold plate that is meant to represent physical touch before being bisque fired:

Here it is after being bisque fired,

Hump mold plate:

Slump mold bowl:

passion project wares made on the wheel during extra time in class and lunch hour:



Week 5

October 3rd 2022

self assessment and reflection:

My goals for last week were to underglaze my bowl and create a mug to be bisque fired. I also wanted to glaze my mushroom sculpture. I have completed all my goals last week!


bisque fired bowl:


mushroom sculpture:


Last week I had difficulties attaching the ears to my bunny mug. the base of my mug was bone dry so I had to hydrate the clay before scratching and slipping the clay to attach the ears. after attaching the ears I realized there were some cracks showing up because the clay was still two different dryness levels, I problem solved by wetting some paper towel pieces and stuck them to the areas I slipped together and leaving the ware in the slow dry rack.

My goals for this week are to get my mug bisque fired and glazed, I also need to make a updated post for the wheel work assignment this week. I would also like to glaze my bowl. A separate goal i have is to get started making my hump and slump mold plates.


Week 4

September 26th 2022

self assessment and reflection:

my goal for last week was to underglaze my mushroom sculpture with underglaze, as well as under glazing my bowl. I also wanted to make my edublog for the wheelwork assignment as well as starting my mug for the same assignment. I said my goal was to create multiple mugs in one day.

last week I did not exactly complete all my goals. I was very overly ambitious creating these, but that is okay. Last week was only three days, I managed to underglaze my mushroom sculpture and make a edublog post for my wheel work project. I also trimmed the bottom of my bowl. I attempted to create some mugs on Thursday, but nothing I made ended up working out even after I stayed the entire lunch block too. I tried, and Thats what matters.

This week my goal is to underglaze my bowl, create a mug, and glaze my mushroom sculpture.

Week 3

September 20 2022

self assessment and reflection:

my goal for last week was to have three projects in the works, when I wrote this goal I meant that I wanted 3 physical projects going with clay, I did not achieve that, but technically I have started 3 projects as I commenced my part of the group project about the post impressionism art movement.

The reason I basically didn’t reach my goal was because I underestimated the amount of time I would need to relearn my way on the wheel and making sculptures.

My successes this week were creating a mushroom sculpture as well as completing a bowl on the wheel along with a practice piece I created to get back into wheel work.

My goal for this week is to paint my mushroom sculpture with underglaze, I would also like to get started painting my bowl if it gets bisque fired sometime this week. Another goal I have for myself this week is to make my first edublog post for the wheel work assignment, as well as starting my mug for the same project. I would like to create three wheel made mug in one day if possible.


Week 2

September 12 2022

self assessment and reflection:

My goal for this week is to get started working with clay again.

My goal for next week if to have a minimum of three projects in the works.


I would like to investigate, creating a vessel that may hold fruits and/or vegetables.

What I need to get started is an idea of what purpose my project may have. I intend for this project to be food safe and waterproof, I want to be able to wash my produce in these vessels. I intend to use clay materials and hole punching tools for this project.

In completing this project I might encounter challenges such as opening my bowls on the wheel, I’ve had this issue in the past experiences trying to make larger vessels. to counteract this I want to start by making smaller sized pieces and building my skills from there to make wider bowls. I may also take advantage of my recourses and talk to my teacher in terms of learning the skills I need to succeed.

Week 1

September 7th 2022

First edublog post, testing,,, testing,,,

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