Lactase lab

Name: Ellen Do

Date: April. 23th, 2019

Title: The effect of temperature on enzyme 

Purpose: to determine how the temperature affects the reaction rate of enzyme, specifically lactase. 

Questions: How can enzymes affect in different enzyme?

Hypothesis: If the temperature is too high or too low, the enzyme will be denatured. Therefore, the enzyme will work the most effectively at the range around body temperature. Furthermore, when the temperature is below 37 degree Celsius, an increase in temperature will lead to an increase in the reaction rate. 


  • 5 test tubes 
  • 5 beakers 
  • Test tube rack 
  • Milk 
  • Graduated cylinder 
  • Lactase (drop) 
  • 5 Glucose test paper 
  • Ice bath 
  • Hot plate 
  • Thermometer 




  • Measure 10ml of milk using the graduated cylinder and pour it into each test tubes. 
  • Heat/Ice bath the milk until it reaches the following temperature. The temperature for each tube is 5, 10, 37, 45, 60 Celsius. 
  • Add water with the corresponding temperature in the beakers and place them under the test tubes so that the part of the test tubes containing milk is submerged in the water. 
  • Add 1 drop of lactase solution into each test tube. 
  • Frequently check the temperature of the solution to make sure that the temperature of the milk is maintained. 
  • After 5 minutes, dip the glucose test papers into the solution – one test paper per test tube. 
  • Compare the colour on the glucose test paper with the colour chart on the glucose test paper container. 

Data + Observations:  The concentration of glucose in different temperature 


Temperature (Celcius)  Concentration of glucose (mmol/L) 
5  0 
10  10 
37  111 
45  55 
60  6 

Graph: The effect of temperature on enzyme


  • As the temperature increases, the reaction speeds up. However, the reaction slows down when the temperature keeps rising above the range from 35-38 degree. The enzyme is most effective in the range from 35 to 38 degree. 


Analysis & Conclusion: 

  • Analysis: when the temperature rises, there is more kinetic energy in the molecules. Thus, the molecules move faster and bond to the enzyme more frequently, resulting in an increase in reaction rate. However, the temperature above 45 degrees would cause the enzyme to denature, because the apoenzyme is a protein. Therefore, the enzyme cannot effectively participate in the reaction, resulting in a decrease in the reaction rate. There is glucose at 60 degrees because high temperature also causes the protein in the milk to denature, forming glucose and galactose. 
  • Conclusion: the enzyme is most effective around 37 degree Celsius, which means the reaction rate is the fastest. As the temperature moves away from that range, the enzyme is less and less effective, leading to a slower reaction rate. 

Blog Log – I am my mother’s daugther

It is kind of interesting story that the protagonist talks about similar with her mother. Most of children similar with their parents such as appearance, behavior or personality. I like to read descriptive expresses how the protagonist’s mother looks like. To follow the article, “Strong, outspoken, friendly, humorous, strict, principled, devoted, smart, and generous…” Then also insightful about her mother. I want to make connections between the article and life because how many people think they accept about similar with their mother? Someone don’t like it, and ignore it. Parents can be annoying to the some people or hate them, so they don’t want to allow similar with them, but think about it. They can’t ignore their characterizes because it comes from their mother or father. Honestly, I’m not similar with my mother, but I’m similar with my father such as personality or appearance. On the other hand, I’m indicate similar with my mother through the hobby is reading a book. People should know how they similar with their parents and allow it, so they can more close with their parents, and talks a lot of things with them.

Cell Size


Three cubes are like a cell and have differenct centemeter: 1, 2, 3.  After 10 minutes – the colour changed yellow to pink in the sodium hydroxide solution.

Date Table:

  1. 3cm Cube size affected more than other because the sorface area to volume ratio is 7:3. The other one is 6:1 or 3:1.
  2. Diffusion is one of the processes ny which substances such as nutrients, water, oxygen, and cellular wasted are transported between living cells and their envrionment.  Therefore, three cubes transported water like NaOH with their surface, so they have different size than before. The important cators that NaOH transported with the cube surface, so the pink layer cover the cubes.
  3. The surface area to the volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger. If the cell grows beyond a certain limit, not enough materail will be able to cross the membrane fast enough to accommodate the increased cellular volume.
  4. I think 5:2 is going to be the most effective at maximizing diffusion because when an cell is very small, it has a large surface area to volume ratio. If the surface area is high, it can more effective.
  5. The cell membrane has enough surface area to adequately serve the interal contents (volume) of the cell, including the adequate exchange of gases. As the cell grows, its surface area to volume ratio decreases, reducing the rate of gas exchange.
  6. Cell like bacterai can’t get to be the sixe of a small fish because they need to divide in order to keep a good surface area to volume ratio.
  7. Being multicellular, plants and animals have overcome the problems of small cell sizes, but they have advantage such as gas exchange oragans (lungs) and circulatory system (blood) to speed up and aid the movement of materials into and out of the organism.

Blog Iog – The Power of Words

I have an interest in this essay that the word indicate how it can affect or important in her life. Most people already realize the word is important in their life because it can affect a lot of things during their life. However, it is quite difficult to find people who are read the book instead of social media, so people have the gap between the word. People can also write in school or work, but people don’t spend the time to read the book. Even they afraid spit the word that they make own word. That’s why I quite interested in this article that shows how the word is important to her life. The author’s style of writing is a kind of descriptive Martin Luther King as an example.  Most of the style is to describe how the word involves in her life. Then also has imagery that the reader can easily images while they read the essay. I can make connections between the article and life. The word is significant while we live own life. When people want to talk or argue with someone they need the word. Even though, the word signifies topic through the writing.

DNA and Protein Synthesis – Translation

DNA Transcription: one gene on DNA translated into mRNA.

  1. A specific section of DNA unwinds, exposing one gene.
  2. Along 1 strand, complementary RNA bases bond.
  3. Adjacent nucleotides form covalent bonds and build RNA backbone, RNA polymerase.
  4. RNA is released by DNA reforms double helix.


RNA is converted DNA’s message to protein. Made of a chain of nucleotides, RNA is based on a single-stranded and short, contains sugar ribosome, Uracil. There are three types of RNA: Messenger RNA which carries DNA’s message to the ribosome. Ribosomal RNA makes up part of the ribosome, and Transfer RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome.

  1. Describe the process of translation: initiation, elongation, and termination.

Translation is mRNA carries a message to a ribosome. Ribosome reads mRNA and links amino acids together, as instructed.

  1. Initiation: mRNA binds to the small ribosome subunit, then the 2 ribosome subunit, then the 2 ribosome subunits bind together. The ribosome holds the mRNA and reads the start codon.

2. Elongation: ribosome holds mRNA and allows complimentary tRNA to attach to binding sites. mRNA has 3 letter code called “codon”, tRNA has complimentary 3 letter code called “anticodon”. Each of the 64 possible codons is specific to one of the 20 amino acids. In addition, tRNA binds to “p” site, another tRNA binds to “A” site binding causes change binds to neighbouring amino acid. “Empty” tRNA leaves ribosome. The ribosome moves along mRNA, now the second tRNA is at “p” site and new tRNA binds to mRNA codon at “A” site.

3. Termination: The ribosome reads a stop codon. There is no complimentary tRNA for a stop codon. This will cause the ribosome to release the mRNA, tRNA, and polypeptide strand. The elongation cycle continues until mRNA “reads” a stop codon. “3 letter word” which does not have a matching tRNA. No new Amino acids are added to the chain, so the ribosome dissociates into its 2 subunits and the polypeptide is released.



DNA replication & RNA transcriptional model

  1. Explain the structure of DNA

DNA made out of sugars (deoxyribose), phosphates and nitrogen bases. The large polymer made of nucleotide monomers. DNA has 2 “backbones” (formed by bonded sugar-phosphate), Nucleotide bases face into ladder. One of the strand is antiparallel which is the stands are “read” in opposite directions. The other is complimentary that strands can give the same message. Bases always bond with same partners: Adenine-Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine.

2. How does this activity help model the strucutre of DNA? What changes could we make to improve the accuracy of this model? 

The activity help to understand the strucutre of DNA through model. It is easy to understand when I made the model more than just look at the structure on the screen. When we cut a little bit long pipecleaner and find the each pairing such as A-T, C-G.


Process of DNA replication:

  1. 2 strands unzip, DNA Helicase(watermelon) enzyme causes unwinding.


2. Nucleotides move into place & form H-bond with partner on strand. Facilitated by DNA polymerase(ble bigfoot),

3. Lagging strand: fragments form as DNA unzips DNA ligase(Red Bigfoot) glues fragments.


RNA(protein synthesis)

  1. How is mRNA different than DNA?

mRNA carries DNA’s message to the ribosome. It is single-sided and short, so it can exit the nucleus through a nuclear pore. THe instructions on mRNA allow the ribosome to put together the correct sequence of amino aicds to produce the required protein. They also have sugar, but it is different name, ribose; the different base is Uracil.

2. Descirbe the process of transcription:

  1. A secific section of DNA unwinds, exposing one gene.
  2. Along 1 strand, complimentary RNA bases bond (U-A).
  3. Adjacent nucleotides form covalent bonds and build RNA backbone -> RNA polymerase(Peach jelly).
  4. RNA is released, DNA reforms double helix.

3. How did today’s activity do a good job of modelling the process of RNA transcriptions? In what ways was our model inaccurate?

It was a good job of modelling, beside the direction. The direction was opposite way, so we should have to fix it as instruction show us.