A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

Define: Our task is to make a periodic table in our own creative way.

Discover: How many different ways can we try?, What’s the least amount of groups possible to be put in our periodic table?, How creative can we get about the format of the chart?, Would it be a smart choice to colour code with different shades of the same colour with the use of Density?

Dream: I could come up with a chart that could give me the pros and cons of the different types of ways i could remake this periodic table.

Deliver: I am gonna make the periodic table in a rectangle shape. I will also order them from least dense to most dense. They will be colour coded by different shades of blue.

Debrief: The process went pretty smoothly me and my group had thought of our idea within the first day of brainstorming. The only issue we had was everyday we had time to work on it, someone was absent. Which made this a little difficult. But overall almost everyone carried their weight and we got most of it done.

I did not get a picture of the chart because i wanted to take it when the whole chart was done. But it never got completely finished because we were waiting on one of our group mates.

For my part, i shaded part of the periodic table, i outlined the writing in pencil, I gave out the idea we ended up using for how we were going to sort the elements by. One thing i could work on in the future is being more communicative with group mates so someone doesn’t slack off or doesn’t do their part again.


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