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Spoken Word-Rant
The Life Of A Genetic Mutation
THE LIFE OF A GENETIC MUTATION Part 1 My name is Professor G. Dryden Webb and I am the gene responsible for producing coagulation Factor V111. Somehow I have become mutated therefore I am a gene mutation which resulted from changes in a few nucleotides. The mutation involves a gene that codes proteins which are… Continue reading
Meiosis Analogy Video
Meiosis video
ADL16 Digital Footprint
Meiosis Worksheets
Asexual Reproduction Class Handout
Cells Alive Mitosis Cell Parts and Mitosis Phase Worksheets
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Asexual Reproduction-Class-Handout
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TOKTW 2016
For TOKTW Day I went to my dad’s work. My Dad’s a mechanic. He is self employed. He called his business Westcoast Gear. 🙂 toktw-reflection-sheet-2016-2