Digital Footprint

  1. How does digital footprint affect your future opportunities.!?

Digital footprint could ruin your future career if you post anything offensive on social media and your boss can search it up and have you fired, and your career will be gone. Digital footprint can also help your future career by posting useful and helpful information on the internet that anyone could use, and your boss will determine if you’re worthy for the job.

2.Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.!

think before you post anything online because it can get traced back to you and get you fired from your current job.

nothing that is posted online can get deleted off databases but it is best to delete old profiles instead leaving them unattended.

check your privacy settings its important to know who can view your post online, most websites you use have privacy setting, and you can use them to pick who can see your post.



3. I would tell other students to be really cautious of what the post on the internet because if they post bad stuff their future boss can search it up off the internet and use it against you, and you could lose your job. 

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One thought on “Digital Footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – Spelling and grammar mistakes are frequent
    – Try and engage others in your post, by having them comment on content
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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