Archive of ‘Socials 10’ category

socials core competencies

The projects I chose to write about are the movie pitch and the identity project we completed. For the movie pitch, I had to use critical thinking because I had to do a lot of research and I had to find a lot of primary sources which was very difficult. It also took a lot of time for me to finish it because of all the research I had to do and then I also had to make a relevant storyline that made sense to world war 1 which took a lot of time but it was also fun because I really liked my story and thought it was very interesting. I also had to use critical thinking because I had to really think about what research is relevant and what makes sense to put into my story. For the other project which is the identity project, I had to use creative thinking because it was an art piece and I had to make something that described Canada in the 2000s. I came up with some good ideas for it which I liked but I had to paint it and use my creativity to tie all my ideas together. It was pretty easy for me to develop ideas for it because I always had a clue in what I wanted which was helpful. And I really liked this project because I could be creative with it and tie in some of my art skills so this and the movie pitch were probably my favorite projects even though I felt like we needed some more time for the movie pitch