Blog Log #2 : How Traveling Abroad In Your Twenties Will Ruin Your Life

Fraser Island, Australia

There are 7 continents in our world, that’s 195 countries, all of which offer something to explore. This article and topic of travel caught my interest as I connect with what the other is saying, despite not even being in my 20s yet. I had the urge and passion to explore the world around me, and I can’t shake the feeling, I’m wanderlust. The author’s writing made me enjoy it even more in his use of humor, for example in: “But in your twenties? No way. You’re just asking for misery and heartache.” I also found the use of hyperbole throughout very interesting, for example in: “Most young people get the silly urge to travel…. Resist. Don’t do it. Trust me.” In my opinion, this article reveals the human condition in which we are curious and in constant need to explore. Although I can not recall any literature in which travelling was a central theme or idea, I do believe my life has thankfully involved quite a bit. I have not nearly visited as many countries as I had hoped (current countries visited include Canada, US, and Australia), I do travel quite often through the United States (including two trips to Hawaii less than two months apart). I highly doubt my urge to travel will disappear as I age, I have accepted that and honestly hope it doesn’t as I have made it a goal to travel as it is clearly something I’m passionate about.


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