Week 4 – Dividing Radicals *UPDATED*

This week we continued our absolute value and radical unit. Although we learned quite a bit of new material, but the lesson that stood out the most for me was dividing radicals. Specifically, when having to rationalize a binomial denominator (aka denominator is in has two root signs). * When multiplying the opposite denominators, this […]

Week 3 – Radicals *UPDATED*

This week in math we completed our sequence and series unit with a test and started our second unit. Although I we only began learning the unit over two days, I was still able to learn something. I learned how to simplify radicals that have variables in them. *The restrictions to this square root is […]

Week 2 – Geometric Sequences

This week we began to learn about geometric sequences and series. Although in the beginning I often did not understand the questions, I learned the different formulas that made the questions much easier to answer by simply dropping in the numbers in the correct spots. The formula that I learned and continue to practice is […]