Photo Compilation Project for “Father and Son”

“I love him so much it hurts but he won’t talk to me” (Callaghan 1)

This quote shows how the father is desperately trying to reach out to his son.  He pours his heart out and he receives nothing from his back from his son. It shows how there is no communication with his son.

“Son you are living on borrowed time” (Callaghan 3)

This quote shows how the father is obsessed with the idea of his son dying. He is Terrified that his son will die. The father tries to tell his son that he is living a dangerous lifestyle, but the son does not listen.

“Is it my fault there is no women in this house” (Callaghan 2)

The fathers ponders on his last wife, and thinks that maybe his Son’s lack of purpose in life is due to the lack of a mother in the house.

“The door swings and he pushes a handgun under his pillow”(Callaghan 5)

The quote shows how the action rises when the father discovers the handgun under his owns son’s pillow. The father goes into complete shock, he prays under the landing and realizes the gravity of the situation.

“There is a bang” (Callaghan 5)

The climax of the story is when the father hears the loud bang. The father drops his plates and rushes to help his son. The father’s heart is beating fast and so is the readers, the climax starts and ends with a “bang”

“They have punched you and you are not hurt badly” (Callaghan 5)

The falling action is when the falling action  is when the father examines the gravity of his sons injuries. The father only seems to think that his son was punched and he does not realize the life changing hole in his son.

“I take my son’s limp head and I see a hole that should not be there” (Callaghan 5)

This quote shows how the father realizes that his son is dead. The one person he cared about so deeply is gone. This represents the falling action because the father now knows that his son is dead and that all he cared about is over.

“My son let me put my arms around” (Callaghan 5)

This is the denouement of the story as it closes off what we know. The son is dead and the father grieves for his loss. We do not cares for the person who shot him for that does not matter, all that matters is that the father grieves.

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