Michael Foster from the short story “Two Fishermen” written by Morley Callaghan is a journalist for a small town newspaper. He is trying to increase his reputation by writing an interesting story about a hangman who is visiting town to carry out an execution. He is a young, tall, long-legged and Caucasian. He is a single man, however he has many relationships with the people around town. He is acquainted with people from the Police Station, the newspaper and the hotel. He clearly has some sort of education, as he is very capable in reading and writing, however it is not clear his exact education. He wants to elevate his journalist career through improving his reputation and so it is clear that he is not well known which clarifies that he is not wealthy, but he has a moderate amount of money.
His beliefs are unclear in a religious sense but it is deduced that the way Michael talked to Smitty about capital punishment, that he disagrees with it. He is afraid of what his peers think of him and would never do anything to destroy his status with them. He is very good at communication with others and making friends. He is also good with manipulation as he pretended to be Smitty’s friend to get information about him to write a story. His weaknesses are standing up for others, as at the end of the story he did nothing when the townsfolk attacked Smitty.
Michael Foster is an inquisitive, efficient and eager young journalist who wants to be accepted by his peers and will do anything, or nothing to keep and improve his social status.