HCE 9 – English write



Banksy anti-immigration birds mural in Clacton-on-Sea destroyed - BBC News

For my HCE write I chose “Birds on a Wire” by Banksy. I think it represents INCLUSIVITY because the pigeons are discriminating against the African bird. The pigeons are scared of the change a different bird will bring so they react in a mean way. I think the artist purposefully drew the smaller bird in a different color because they want to symbolize and show that the bird is different from the other and that the green bird can bring different cultures and ideas. The pigeons are holding signs that say “Migrants not welcome”, “Go back to Africa” and “Stay of our worms”. Migrants mean a person that was born in a foreign and moved to a different country, that means that bird is a migrant because it came from a different country. The “Go back to Africa” probably is trying to show that the bird is from Africa, hence the bird being an African bee-eater. And the “Stay of our worms” is a metaphor for the other bird to stay of out property, money, food etc., basically your not welcome here. The green bird in real life is actually the same size as the pigeon but I think the artist drew it smaller as a symbol to show that the green bird is feeling smaller and the pigeons are overpowering and asserting there dominance over the bird. It feels small because its not welcome to the pigeons. This photo is important because it symbolizes the modern day racisms that were experience in the world right now.

3D Setting Assignment

For this assignment, I wrote about the book Takedown by Allison van Diepen, its about a young boy named Darren who gets sent to juvie because he was covering for a notorious gang leader, once free he is thirsty for revenge and he works with the police to take Diamond Tony down. This story takes place in Canada Toronto, I know this because of the quotes “November was the ugliest time of the year in the Jane and Finch projects” which can be found on page 4 chapter 2, and “We were in the financial district, where white collared rich guys traded stock” which can be found on page 12 chapter 3, both of those places can be found in Toronto so I decided to add The CN tower as a representation of it. Found in the Financial district is the café that Darren and Detective Prescott had lunch in, “That afternoon I sat with detective Prescott at café on Bay Street” found on page 12 chapter 3, I added the café too. This book made everything seem sketchy and gloomy because of all the topics the writer was talking about, drugs, death etc. Also because of the weather which was somewhere around Fall at the start of the book and went into winter towards the middle end, “November was the ugliest time of the year in the Jane and Finch projects” found on page 4 chapter 2 and “The Christmas holidays were underway, and we were spending all of our free time together.” Found on page 89-90 on chapter 17. When Darren deals his drugs, he goes to the 17-high rise, “Cam and I went to our corner in front of the 17-high rise” which can be found on page 32 chapter 5. After a certain night of dealing him and his partners went too a club called the Chaos Club, “Chaos was the type of club you’d see in a music video” page 69 chapter 15, there he met his girlfriend Jessica and she took him to the Middle Eastern Diner, “Jessica took me to the Middle Eastern diner” page 78 chapter 78. Following them meeting up they decide to hang out more and decide to go Christmas shopping in the mall with Jessica’s little sister, that’s where Darren almost has an altercation with the bloods, “An hour later we were at the mall, so was everyone in the neighborhood” page 92 chapter 19. Darren and Jessica both go to the same school in the Jane and Finch projects, “One of them was Jessica Thompson. She was in economics-one of my three eleventh – grade classes” found on page 10 chapter 2. This book is a great book for anyone my age (15) or someone that is not looking for a childish book. The subjects and setting makes everything gloomy and unpleasant but there’s instances of hope and happiness like Darren’s little brother Kiki who is awesome and sweet, or Darren’s dreams of becoming a music producer with his friend White Chris.


Currents in the Kitchen Pre Lab Science 9

Pre Lab


Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?

Hypothesis: When we make a full circuit, the lemon will produce more voltage because of how sour it is.

Materials: 1 voltmeter DIGIFLEX Volt Testing Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ammeter AC DC Meter OHM  for DIY: Amazon.ca: Tools & Home Improvement, 2 wires Ignition Coil Wire Connectors - 2 Wires - 50cc to 150cc,  1 galvanized nail (coated in zinc) Everbilt 1-1/2 in. Galvanized Common Nails (35-Pack)-803444 - The Home Depot , 1 copper strip New Design 1.5mm Thickness Copper Bar 99 Purity Strip T2 Cu Metal Sheet PCB  Kit, Copper Flat Strip - Quot Metal Strips, Copper Strips, Metal Strips,  Thin Copper Foil, Copper Sheet Mm: and at least 3 fruits 3 fruits that lower inflammation and prevent disease | Healthy fruits,  Lower inflammation, Fruit

Procedure: Take the copper strip and attach it to the first wire, then attach the nail to the other wire. Attach both wires to a voltmeter and put the nail and copper strip in a fruit to create electricity.

Reasoning: Why will the lemon produce more voltage, because I have seen this experiment in the past and most of them used a lemon. Meaning a lemon produces more voltage or enough voltage for people to be using it commonly.

Fictional Science Safety Story

Today in Science class, my teacher Mr. Robinson told us that we will be conducting a science experiment. Mr. Robinson said we will be doing an experiment with corrosive liquids, although the liquids are not that corrosive and its actually rated 1 on the MSDS diamond for all for the squares. We were going to test how long it took for the liquids to mix in a bowl of boiling water. On the day of the Lab, Mr. Robinson said that he will be boiling the water in the middle of the class, but he trusted us enough to let us bring the liquids to our group. Everything was going smoothly when all of a sudden Eric tripped on the projector cord while carrying the liquids, he spilled them all over the the hot plate that the kettle was boiling on. Nolan was standing right beside Eric and wasn’t wearing his safety goggles like everyone was supposed to. The liquid started to sizzle and crackle on the hotplate and a drop of acid flew right into Nolan’s eye. Nolan started freaking out and screaming that it stings, so Mr. Robinson took him to room 201 to use the eye wash station, he told us to not continue with the Lab to prevent more passible injuries. Nolan ended up leaving school for the rest of the day but thank god was fine.


How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) 1# Corrosive – means the liquid can cause irritation to the skin and is fatal if consumed. Will cause irreversible damage to skin and eyes if in contact.

CCOHS: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety WHMIS #2 Flammable – means that if in contact with heat or a spark will erupt into flames and sometimes its very hard to put out. Depending on what liquid, the fire can burn different colors, hydrogen burns white and cannot be seen so it makes it hard to put out.


Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 - Canada.ca HHPS (Household Hazardous Product Symbols) #1 Explosive (caution) – means that if in contact with heat/spark or material that it reacts to it, it will explode inside where its getting kept in. The triangle means caution, so u should be aware that it can explode but it is most unlikely. If there’s a diamond around it it means warning and a octagon means DANGER.


Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 - Canada.ca HHPS #2 Poison – means that if consumed will cause pain, stomach pain, headaches and can be fatal or cause serious damage to the human body that cannot be irreversible. Can be consumed through breathing, eating, drinking, through cuts and any opening in the human body. The diamond means danger and this material should be taken very seriously because it is most likely to be fatal.


My ethical dilemma

The ethical dilemma I have chose to discuss is testing on animals. There are both pros and cons to it, for example schools, university’s and colleges use animals dissection’s as a way to learn about science or for the medical aspect. Animal testing has helped with almost every medical breakthrough in the past 100 years, meaning animals play a big role on modern day medicine. But its not always where its done in an orderly fashion. Some animals are subjected to force feeding/drinking, deprivation, wound inflicting and much more, this means that animals are feeling pain for no reason at all. A good thing is that scientist are able to test vaccines/new medicines on animals without having to go through human trials, this is good because in my opinion subjecting a human to human trials seems more inhumane than testing on an animal. Although scientist are working on a different method of testing for example, using human skin cells in a petri dish is one way of doing it, this is called vitro (testing outside of living organisms) the set back to that is that its more expensive. But what is my opinion on it, I think everything has an extent, we should be testing on animals as humanely as possible to a sure as less as possible, because after all they have a life to. Trying to find alternative ways to test is a good thing and I think it could help us a lot maybe more than just animal testing.

https://animal-testing.procon.org/ my source

My Safety Map




Asexual superhero

This is the Fantastic 3. My character is Binary fusion. He has the power the asexual reproduction, binary fission, which is when cells can make direct copy’s of themselves. Obviously his power is being able to duplicate himself. He has a mask that filters nutrients in the air in order to duplicate like a cell, he has a device that’s called crtl+c that allows him to duplicate and another device on the other arm that allows him to delete one or multiple copy’s of himself. His limitations is his belt that need to be fully charged up with nutrients before duplicating, meaning he has to wait like a cell during the interphase. To be fully charged up he needs to filter enough nutrients through his mask to make all 4 lights on the belt to light up. Another limitation is he can only duplicate 4 or less at a time, that means the amount of lights he has on means the amount of copy’s he can make at once, 1 means 1 and 4 means 4.


Climate Change in the Prairies

Climate Change in The Prairies

By Deniel Ryzhkov


What is happening in the prairies concerning climate change? The prairies are well known for there agriculture, they produce over 62% of Canadas food, meaning there are a lot of farm animals that add Co2 into the atmosphere. They are also well known for there mining and oil extraction. All those machines add Co2 through combustion. As u can tell the prairies produce a lot of carbon, but how do we get rid of it? Well trees are an option, trees take carbon from the atmosphere and instead give fresh oxygen, but as you can probably tell the prairies pretty much do not have any trees, this is due to the Rocky Mountains that border them from the West coast of BC. As the mountains grew taller, they started creating rain shadows that prevented the growth of trees. Well how about water? Water is good at storing large amounts of carbon, but there are no large bodies of water in the prairies, because they are in the middle of a country, far from any ocean or sea. As u can imagine with all this carbon in the air, it is getting hot in the prairies, by 2050 the temperature is supposed to rise by about 2.0 to 3.0 degrees in Celsius. Well what does this mean to the environment, droughts will become more frequent and water will become more insufficient. These two factors will make it harder for crops to grow and for animals to stay alive. Heat waves will affect people living in the prairies, making the air more humid and affecting people with breathing problems. Heat strokes will become more common. Although there are not any trees down south, trees up north will become more prone to wildfires. These fires will burn trees realising more carbon into the atmosphere, animals will die, and habitats will be ruined. Living near the Rocky Mountains means Alberta gets a of glacier water. But what happens when it thaws to quickly? Alberta will receive a lot of floods damaging homes and animal habitats, killing humans and animals alike. Although all this is bad, when there is not heat waves and droughts, the prairies will see a big advancement in agriculture. Having shorter and warmer winters meaning they can use more potential and profitable seeds such as corn, soy, peas and lentil. So how can we help reduce the Co2. We need to focus on renewable energy such as electric cars and solar panels. Solar panels will be most likely in the prairies since they are so flat u can put solar panels almost anywhere and since its getting hotter solar panels will have a better use.

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