Math 9 Core Competency Reflection

Choose an area of growth that is a strength for you and that you have shown evidence of in math class. Write a paragraph to explain and reflect on this growth.

An area of growth that I think is a strength to me is communication. When I am doing work in math and someone asks me for help, I am usually able to help them most of the time and they can understand what to do. Communication in math has also been more developed for me because of the math blog posts. Since we need to explain our thinking in the blog posts, I now am able to understand my work and I am able to explain it when someone needs help or if someone is wondering to check if I understand it, I am able to explain every step of the equation.




Chose an area that you feel you need to further develop your skills in terms of math class. Write a reflection to explain how you plan to grow in this area.

I think an area I need to improve on is Personal Awareness and Responsibility because self regulation for me is something that I need to work on because usually once or multiple times during math class, I am asked to focus on my work more often when that shouldn’t be happening at all. I also need to increase my self determination because the homework I don’t mind but whenever a test comes around, I always think that I know and understand everything but that usually doesn’t happen and the mark that I wanted to get on the test doesn’t even come close to what I actually got on the test.

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