My Trip to Whistler

My Trip to Whistler

My trip to Whistler was an experience of a lifetime. The air on the mountains was fresh, clear and so was the view. The sky was clear like the rivers and lakes in the mountains. My trip to Whistler was amazing and I wish I could go back today. I was just getting up from my bed at my hotel when I was awoken by my siblings out of excitement. They’re so excited to go to the mountain that they ran around the room making loud noises! I was feeling the same way as they were so without a moment to spare, we were on our way to the Whistler Blackcomb Mountain! As soon as we came outside of our hotel, I felt a soft breeze over my right shoulder as we were walking to the bus stop. The air was fresh, and the sun was a great temperature. It wasn’t hot, but it was a nice warm cosy feeling with just the right amount of wind. So far, the day was going great! I couldn’t stop annoying my parents of how nice the climate was but luckily for them, the bus had arrived. My siblings were both three years old at the time so of course, they made noise on the bus. We all know that feeling when someone gives you that awkward stare when you make a noise when the bus is quiet. We got a lot of those stares for sure. Eventually, after a loud bus ride, we made it to the Blackcomb Mountain. I couldn’t believe that somehow the air changed and became even better as soon as we were close to the mountain. This was my siblings first time going on a gondola, so as you can imagine they were very excited! I felt a nice cooling breeze running down my back as we lined up to get on the gondola. I was so excited! After a fifteen-minute wait for the gondola, we were on our way to the top of the mountain. The ride was breathtaking! As soon as we got about three hundred feet off the ground, we spotted a black bear! Surprisingly the black bear was only a cub and I’ve never seen a black bear before nor a cub so that was a very interesting sight to see. I was shocked by our luck and I knew that things were only going to get better. As we went higher and higher up the mountain, I could feel my ears plugging and the pressure increasing. I knew we were close. Even inside the gondola, I felt a shiver on my arms because of the coldness surrounding the gondola. Finally, we made it to the top of the mountain after a twenty-minute gondola ride. As soon as we got off the gondola, I had to stop to look at the view of everything around me. I saw a huge peak in the distance with trees swaying at a calm rate. I saw children running around playing what looked like tag. I was blown away! This reminded me of the time I went to Grouse Mountain which is a local mountain in Vancouver. I thought Grouse Mountain was amazing but when I looked around, compared to Grouse this was already the best mountain I’ve been to. After an astonishing view, it was time to explore the mountain. There wasn’t very much to do on the Blackcomb Mountain because having two three-year-old siblings, hiking is the last thing we wanted because the hikes on this mountain were for adults and were very steep, so we took the peak to peak gondola. The peak to peak gondola is a gondola that takes you from the top of the Blackcomb Mountain to the top of the Whistler mountain. It was amazing! The gondola was about 1,400 feet in the air! I felt a shiver going down my spine because as soon as I looked down, the view was beautiful yet frightening at the same time. There was a stream of water and a lot of trees. Surprisingly my siblings were handling the ride very well. They ended up enjoying it! Moving on, we made it to the Whistler Mountain peak! It was also amazing! Until that day, I never knew the full beauty in nature. Once we arrived, we decided to go on a little hike. This hike was supposedly easier than the Blackcomb Mountain hikes so we decided to try it out. As we were walking up the mountain, I noticed many interesting stones and flowers. The stones had very cool colours to them. Some of them were on the side of the mountain and were yellow. There were also some with a blue and purple lustre on the ground which was very fascinating. As for the flowers, I saw a lot of different flowers with very beautiful colours and traits. The flower that stuck out the most was a pink and white flower. I bent down to look at the flower and I noticed the sun was giving the flower a beautiful glisten so I had to take a picture. I couldn’t believe it! After I took the picture, we carried on with our hike. The hike was becoming a lot harder than we thought. We didn’t know that it was getting steep, but we kept on persevering and we went on. As each step got more and more challenging, I felt the sweat on my forehead and nose and the pain in my quads and calves. In the end, I knew the hike would be worthwhile. Before we knew it, we reached the top of the mountain. Wow! I couldn’t believe my eyes! The green trees around me were swaying so peacefully. The sun was so warm and made the trees glisten in the sunlight. What amazed me the most was the mountain view! The clouds were fluffy and white and the mountain in the distance was filled with dark green trees and sections of just grass. I had to take a picture I couldn’t believe my eyes! I took my phone out and trying not to drop my phone down the mountain I was already on, I took a picture and it looked incredible. After I took the picture, we went down the mountain and headed for lunch then back to our hotel. The one thing that I took away from this trip was that everything in nature has a place, value, and meaning to its existence.



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