What I Have Learned About Grade 9 Fractions

~ Fractions On Number Lines:

Fractions on number lines for me was something that actually took awhile for me to catch up on because of my understanding of how it works. Eventually, I got help and I understood how it works and that it was easier than I thought. For example:

If we have a fraction like 4\frac {2}{3} we know that it’s a positive fraction so it goes to the right. If its a negative it means it goes to the left as shown on the number line to the left. Since this fraction is positive its going to the right so any number that’s right of zero is positive. Our fraction is a mixed number so we automatically go to the 4. Since our denominator is three, that’s how many spaces between numbers there are. Since our numerator is two, that means that we are counting two spaces. Therefore 4 \frac {2}{3} is located there on the number line.

~ Comparing Fractions

Comparing fractions is something that wasn’t challenging for me because luckily fractions one of my favorite things in math and I also have some experience with it. Here is what I learned. Say we have a fraction like \frac {5}{7} and \frac {6}{9} the first thing we need to find is the LCM, also known as the lowest common denominator. In this case its sixty-three because nine and seven don’t have any other common numbers that they both go into. Now, since we know the LCM we now have to change the fraction. So this means that since seven multiplied by nine is sixty-three we need to multiply the top by nine as well. Same thing with the nine we multiply the top by seven. Now our fractions are \frac {45}{63} and \frac {54}{63} and now its a lot more easier to compare the numbers because we can look at the numerator and tell which one is greater.

~Adding and Subtracting Fractions

adding and subtracting fractions is something that I’ve already gotten practice with before so this specific subject so adding and subtracting fractions was quite easy for me. I did learn to use negatives in fractions so that was basically all I learned in this unit. An example of this \frac {-2}{-6} + \frac {-4}{7} I’m happy that I was able to improve my understanding of adding and subtracting fractions. Negatives are a big role in fractions and without knowing it, I would’ve been stuck for a long time on it. I’m happy that Mrs. Burton expanded on adding and subtracting fractions because if I didn’t expand on the negatives and where they are placed then for my future math years I would’ve made so many mistakes when I shouldn’t have and the more I know the better.

~Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and dividing fractions is something that I also picked up along the way but I also learned some multiplying equations with negatives and same thing with dividing equations. I also learned the term reciprocal which means the numerator and the denominator get flipped around.  Multiplying and Dividing fractions otherwise was pretty easy for me. Another thing I want to add is that out of all of these fractions and processes, multiplying and dividing fractions was the easiest one for me out of all the fraction methods I have learned. The reason why it was easy is because I like multiplying and dividing numbers and I like how straight forward the process is. That is the reason why multiplying and dividing fractions was my favorite method and the easiest one for me.

~One Other Thing I learned About Rational Numbers

One other thing I learned about rational numbers and fractions is just how useful they are. For example take this fraction as an example, \frac {3}{4} means two things, first off it means that there are three pieces out of four in that fraction. And lastly it can also mean a division question. Not only does it mean multiple things but it also can be converted into two things. A decimal and a percent. In my opinion fractions are awesome because not only can they be converted and mean multiple things but, percents, decimals and fractions are all connected! This is not only something that I learned about fractions and rational numbers but something that I find fascinating. I am glad a did this unit and i’m happy of my understanding on fractions and rational numbers.

Picture Sources: The picture sources are both videos there is no cite for them.



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