Information Fluency

Today in English class we went to the library to explore different sides of information fluency. This included finding online resources, citations and how to tell if a website was real or fake.

Website Credibility (three ways to see if a website is credible or not):

-The quality of the website (is it professional looking, are there spelling mistakes, are there advertisements and are links working?)

-Can the information be verified by other sources?

-What is the domain of the URL (.com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov)?

EBSCO Database:

From the Riverside homepage, click library. For the login, it is the same as your school login: and your school password.

Once logged in, press “Click Here!” and you will be brought to the library databases. There is a category of Ebsco databases, in there you can find different sources, all suitable for school use and checked for website credibility, for free.

Works Cited:

A useful website to create a citation page is citation machine:

It can be used to create citations for websites, films, books, magazines and all for free.

Session Reflection:

One thing I learned today was how to find a fake website. I found it very useful to know and makes the  sources I find a lot more credible. It was also good to refresh my memory on how to get to the school digital library databases to find good sources for my work.

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