A Mountain Journey


  1. Dave Conroy was in the forest because he was trapping animals. He did it for a profession.
  2.  The readers knew he wouldn’t make it he couldn’t open his fire starter
  3. He could have:   a)  stop for the day b) should have waited longer to go out trapping  c)make a fire
  4. Exposition: first two paragraphs complicating incident: getting stuck in the forest crisis 1: falling in a river crisis 2: cabin is burnt down crisis 3: can’t open lighter climax: he sits down to take a break but falls asleep denouement: wakes up hallucinating
  5. The setting was a forest, cold but in the summer. This affects everything the character must do to stay alive. As well as the theme of always go with what you learned and don’t let your pride affect your actions
  6. The white cabin: heaven



Eternal: forever

Immobility: cannot move

Opaque: not see through

Reverberation: continuation effect

Momentum: speed and power

Cadaverous: dead body

Congregated: gathered in mass

Inundation: abundance of things/people

Beggared: reduce to poverty

Filched: steal in casual way

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