Edible DNA

Today we learned about the structure of DNA, we made a model out of licorice, marshmallows and toothpicks to help us visualize.

1. What is DNA?

Dioxyriboneucleic Acid.  Found in the nucleus of a cell, it contains information about what type of cell it is, what it will do, when it will die. It looks like a ladder that is twisted. This shape is called a double helix. The two sides made up of phosphate and sugar, alternating between the two. And the “steps” of the ladder made of 4 nitrogen containing bases: Guanine (G). Cytosine (C), Adenine (A) and Thymine (T). These bases pair up two at a time to form the steps. They only pair up with one other base. Guanine with Cytosine and Adenine with Thymine.


2. What do the parts represent?

licorice: This was the sides of the DNA. The phosphate and sugar


– green: Guanine

-yellow: Adenine

-pink: Cytosine

-orange: Thymine

Toothpicks: What kept the bases together.

First half of the DNA
Full DNA, not yet twisted into double helix
Active DNA model


3. Did this help me understand the structure of DNA?

I believe that this activity was a very good visual way of learning how DNA looks. It taught me more about the shape as well as which bases bonded with each other. This definitely taught me more about DNA.

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