What I Learned About Digital Footprint

My digital footprint is essential for my future, it will help me get a job or lose one. It can also decide if I will be liked or disliked by people in my community. Digital footprints are always traced and practically impossible to delete. You can learn life lessons from your digital footprint. Not all digital footprints are necessarily bad, however

if you don’t have a digital footprint that isn’t automatically good either. My digital footprint can help me obtain what I need in my career in years, months, days or even minutes. You can come in for a job interview and get caught red handed on a mean comeback comment you made five years ago. People can dislike you on a picture you posted that pops up when your name is searched. Life can turn its back on you, so just remember everything you do is traced. 

Every time you think of something to answer back, type and press enter, post a picture or make an invalid opinion or comment think twice before you do. Your comments aren’t always needed or asked for. If you want to be the bigger person, it will help you later with your jobs or any type career you want to proceed with. It can take a second to lose a job or a second to get one, so be smart with choices you make. Every time ask yourself is it something you would regret or if you where the one interviewing would you approve; how could it be necessary


According to the video’s we’ve watched, any person can see what you’ve said in the past or anything that has been pressed enter during your typing period. People don’t always understand how it can affect them and even snapchat is saved. When you snap someone it automatically is saved in another online form that can be pressed against you. Anytime you have a bad feeling about something you are going to post or if you’re going to comment/tweet something maybe check with your parents first, because from what I’ve learned in this class you can of course have a positive effect, but most of the time we don’t really think about what we do and it just happened, however I don’t blame you because I am guilty of it too if any of your bad information is posted out you can sometimes wiggle your way out of it, but it’s best to not get into those situations.

My photo link: 


https://www.pexels.com/photo/apps-blur-button-close-up-267350/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/finger-print-on-enter-key-of-keyboard-163017/ 


4 thoughts on “What I Learned About Digital Footprint”

  1. Wow, this really gave me a lot of knowledge about important stuff that I should know about. It was very informative!!!!!! Good job Darya!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations are extremely effective in answering the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Photos and or media is exemplary
    – Post is completed and is well done!

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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