I was a cell, a good cell, a healthy and working cell. I would work all day, everyday. Come home for a few minutes and go back. Life for a cell was great. Until it came, it ruined everything. I lost my family, papa cell, mama cell, brother cell, sister cell. All because of down syndrome. I became Trisomy.

It all began when something unknown hit me, after days and days it grew on me. Everyday kids receive 23 chromosomes from their mother and 23 from their father, creating 46 in total. I received a chromosome 21 and now in total 47 chromosomes. I was frightened but there was nothing I could do about it. Everyone around me started turning.  We’ve all received a full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra chromosome changed everything, mainly my host’s life.

After we have been altered to down syndrome( also known as Trisomy 21), my host has shown symptoms of disabilities, and weak muscle tone. But no matter what happens I must sticP_down-syndrome1k with my host, or I die too of course.  I’ve followed my host since he was a baby, life for a someone born this way isn’t easy, and surely isn’t fair. He had to go through over and beyond what everyone else would do, just so he could do the same. Me being one of the main causes of his suffering isn’t favourable, but the day I became Trisomy, I knew I was going to stay that way. We must respect those like my host, they live by us everyday, they didn’t choose this kind of life so it shouldn’t be fair to just hand them It. Treat us no different… Please.


  1. First how does down syndrome happen? What causes it? What are the symptoms?
  2. I tried using images as the story developed but it didn’t go too well, instead I replaced it with 1 image on the right side so when I write the words go around it.
  3. The process was when I searched up all my questions of down syndrome then answered them, after all of that I put it in my word file. In the end I copy paste everything onto edublogs then add the picture.
  4. I look at who made it, how long ago was it posted or put onto the site. If it’s credible then I use it and cite the website, However I couldn’t find many names
  5. I felt like this process was  pretty good, no bumps or stops along the road. How ever I wish I could cite my sources and explain my reasons/ answers a little better. All in all, it was a great challenge




http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/down-syndrome What is Down Syndrome?

http://www.ndss.org/Down-Syndrome/What-Is-Down-Syndrome/      In-depth understanding of Down Syndrome

http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkidshealth.org%2Fparent%2Fmedical%2Fgenetic%2Fheaders_102701%2FP_down-syndrome1.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkidshealth.org%2Fparent%2Fmedical%2Fgenetic%2Fdown_syndrome.html&h=158&w=436&tbnid=zriX0-BnehzCEM%3A&docid=TCbckXtxqMVCAM&ei=f2WRVtKDI4SOmQHu-L6wCg&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=218&page=1&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=0ahUKEwiSv_eXwZ3KAhUERyYKHW68D6YQrQMIeDAW        What is Down Syndrome? / Picture