Daniel's Blog

I'm You not me

Category: Grade 9 (page 1 of 2)

Little Brothers Individual project: Write the next chapter of the book.

Here is my quick description of what happened next.

Using Powtoon’s free animation.

Mon l’identité Virtuelle (Steve Bradley)

English Passion Project

My English Project Assigned by Ms. Tate



Sammy Sperm Story

This is the story of Sammy Sperm

This is the life of Sammy Sperm.

Sammy was born in a cozy hospital not far from uranus, but a small, lonesome city called Tesland.  Now sammy was born with no father or mother by his side, but instead 2 strangers brought him in. Now most sperms’ story starts later on in life, but Sammy was destined for an adventure of a life time. The 2 strangers put him in a white van and drove off from tesland to Epididiymis where he would start his adventure…

When they arrived to Epididymis, they drove all the way over Vas Deferens Highway, as this highway was a one way that could only bring them out to Vaginaland.  As they drove they passed many sites and explored many areas such as Lake Bladder, they stopped at the Seminal Vesicle Diner where Sammy Sperm had his 5th meal, and then passed the Urethra Expressway to Vaginaland!

As Sammy grown, so has the length of his adventure! Not so long after they reached Vaginaland, and met many new species, tried new food and explored. After a day or 2, they’ve reached the cervix station to pass by the stranger’s house for a quick catch up as their adventure would soon continue. Later that day they took a ride to UterusVille for a tour guide of the village, for which is beautiful, the sites are breathtaking, and meals would linger others famished for more. Of course Sammy would insist on the staying of UterusVille for it is so wonderous…! They stayed there for half a day and reached the Oviduct Road. The 2 Strangers looked down

” This would make an excellent story…eh? I wish we could spend more time together.”

Sammy Sperm nodded delightfully but confused, as they walked down the Oviduct Road to reach Sammy’s final destination, Ovary Island. Known to be one of the 5 wonders of the human anatomy, Sammy was mind boggled as he struck his last step beneath the Gates of Wonder. He made it…  TO BE CONTINUED…..




Hockey Puck


Today’s math class we’ve developed our studies on geometry, specifically nets. This time we’ve made a hockey puck based off of a couple of numbers, a ruler, a pencil and eraser.

For me the diameter was 7cm, hight is 2.5, the circumference which is also the length of the puck is 21.98cm. Of course this was great fun and offers a significantly easier way to understand shapes.


Genetic Mutation Assignment|Down Syndrome/Trisomy 21

I was a cell, a good cell, a healthy and working cell. I would work all day, everyday. Come home for a few minutes and go back. Life for a cell was great. Until it came, it ruined everything. I lost my family, papa cell, mama cell, brother cell, sister cell. All because of down syndrome. I became Trisomy.

It all began when something unknown hit me, after days and days it grew on me. Everyday kids receive 23 chromosomes from their mother and 23 from their father, creating 46 in total. I received a chromosome 21 and now in total 47 chromosomes. I was frightened but there was nothing I could do about it. Everyone around me started turning.  We’ve all received a full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra chromosome changed everything, mainly my host’s life.

After we have been altered to down syndrome( also known as Trisomy 21), my host has shown symptoms of disabilities, and weak muscle tone. But no matter what happens I must sticP_down-syndrome1k with my host, or I die too of course.  I’ve followed my host since he was a baby, life for a someone born this way isn’t easy, and surely isn’t fair. He had to go through over and beyond what everyone else would do, just so he could do the same. Me being one of the main causes of his suffering isn’t favourable, but the day I became Trisomy, I knew I was going to stay that way. We must respect those like my host, they live by us everyday, they didn’t choose this kind of life so it shouldn’t be fair to just hand them It. Treat us no different… Please.


  1. First how does down syndrome happen? What causes it? What are the symptoms?
  2. I tried using images as the story developed but it didn’t go too well, instead I replaced it with 1 image on the right side so when I write the words go around it.
  3. The process was when I searched up all my questions of down syndrome then answered them, after all of that I put it in my word file. In the end I copy paste everything onto edublogs then add the picture.
  4. I look at who made it, how long ago was it posted or put onto the site. If it’s credible then I use it and cite the website, However I couldn’t find many names
  5. I felt like this process was  pretty good, no bumps or stops along the road. How ever I wish I could cite my sources and explain my reasons/ answers a little better. All in all, it was a great challenge




http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/down-syndrome What is Down Syndrome?

http://www.ndss.org/Down-Syndrome/What-Is-Down-Syndrome/      In-depth understanding of Down Syndrome

http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkidshealth.org%2Fparent%2Fmedical%2Fgenetic%2Fheaders_102701%2FP_down-syndrome1.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkidshealth.org%2Fparent%2Fmedical%2Fgenetic%2Fdown_syndrome.html&h=158&w=436&tbnid=zriX0-BnehzCEM%3A&docid=TCbckXtxqMVCAM&ei=f2WRVtKDI4SOmQHu-L6wCg&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=218&page=1&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=0ahUKEwiSv_eXwZ3KAhUERyYKHW68D6YQrQMIeDAW        What is Down Syndrome? / Picture


Area V.s. Volume

IMAG0184                   IMAG0189                        IMAG0186                     IMAG0187AREA V.S. VOLUME

A)                    IMAG0184                B)          IMAG0191

First side) 4 x 3=12    12 x 2= 24                                                       First side ) 2 x 1=2   2 x 2=4

Second side) 2 x 3=6   6 x 2=12                                                          Second side) 2 x 1=2  2 x 2=4

Third side) 2 x 4= 8      8 x 2=16                                                            Third side) 2 x 4= 8   8 x 2= 16

Area of the cubed rectangle: 24+12+16=52                             Fourth side) 1 x 4= 4    4 x 4= 16

Area of the cubed Lego shaped bleacher:  4+4+16+16 = 40


We’ve  revisited the age of lego and constructed structures of shapes and forms. We’ve used these mini-bricks/lego to represent volume and area.

So the difference?

1. We’ve reviewed today that an Area is based off the “face” of the shape/form and that “face” only, that’s why an Area is 2D and squared whereas volume is 3D and cubed. Volume can also tell us the spacing in the shape/form of the 3D object.

2. Area and Volume also differs in its formula, for ex. the fomula for Area of a rectangle would be L W . Volume, instead would be L x W x H

3. Areas can also be solved on 3D objects like cubes and such but Volumes cannot be solved for 2D.

Thanks for visiting my page.

DNA bracelet Blog

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January 6th. Me and my classmates did a class study of Genetics, DNA, and such. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is where our genes come from. It’s the build up of who we are, including personality, behavior…  DNA is made through it’s 4 letter alphabet ACTG. A genetic code is a set of 3 letter words in ACTG’s library, once its code is built up. it’s sent to messenger RNA to give to the ribosomes. I was never too good as biology but I believe the messenger RNA’s job is to duplicate the triplets (which are also codons) and send this codon to the ribosome for it to do its job. Then the ribosome would put the amino acid to the protein molecules.  This can relate to our friendship bracelets because we used each color as a part of the DNA library and for each color represented a letter as the letter would represent codon. This way we chose a word and applied DNA triplets to the bracelet creating delicious friendship bracelets!



Edible DNA blog

IMAG0181IMAG0183This is Para and I’s edible DNA lab work. We compiled twizzlers, marshmallows, and toothpicks to create a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This lab work allowed us to realize how the genetic 4 letter alphabets work. Through it’s arrangements of A,T,C,G. We combined it together and used the toothpicks to gather it all together, then twisted it. In the end it was fun, delicious, and educational.

Podcast de Baladodiffusion



Bienvenue a notre premier podcast de baladodiffusion!

Ici on parle de les vies d’autre, et comment détruire leur vie,relation, emplois…

Nous sommes un podcast de discussion et comédie.

Notre titre est CDV pour “comment détruire les vie” car nouse pensons que ceci sera intérresant. Nouse utilisons du langue 100% approprié pour offendé auncune personne. S’il vous plait, joindre nous en CDV!

-Brandon, Sam, Daniel



 Émission de CDV #1

Bonjour tout le monde! Ici nous parlons de comment détruire la vie. Cette épisode nous parlons de comment détruire une relation d’amour.

Nous utilisons notre cible Joseph, Sarah pour notre client de cette podcast. Merci au eux! Alors qu’est qu’on a fait? Nous invitons Sarah dison que nous étions un station de radio pour que Sarah, au une point décrire ses émotions au Joseph. Mais! Nous avons demandé poliment un nombre de 1-5 questions pour détruire la relation de ces deux. Même si le deux sont avec nous a la même temps!

 Émission de CDV #2

Bonjour tout le monde! Ici nous parlons de comment détruire la vie. Cette épisode nous parlons de comment perdre l’emploi d’un personne

Pour cette épisode on a David Falcoghini, Johnny, Willy pour être notre client ce soir. Bien sur cette podcast est fait par Sam Boon, Brandon Henrickson, Daniel You. Donc, qu’est-ce qu’on fait? Ici c’est ou David Falcoghini a juste perdu son emploi avec Johnny et Willy (les patrons). Le plan cette fois et de déguisé comme un débat télévisé pour commencé un argument animé au l’enfère!


 Émission de CDV #3

Dans cette episode, CDV vous présent, 7 façons de déranger la journée de quel qu’un. Dans les façons cruelle ou simple au ridicule ou juste simplement stupide. Joindre nous dans cette podcast pour les idées unique et drôle. Les hommes dans cette episode sera Daniel You, Brandon Henricksen, et Sam Boon. Merci et avoir une excellente journée!



 Émission de CDV #4 

Bonjour tout le monde! Ici nous parlons de comment détruire la vie. Cette épisode nous parlons de comment rendre quel qu’un en faillite dans 8 étapes

Ce épisode introduit 8 huit façons en comment prendre l’argent puis l’échappé avec avec du succès, Rappel toi que on ne veux pas promouvoir violence et ceci est juste nos idées… Cette épisode est notre dernière, et produit par Daniel You, Sam Boon, Brandon Henrickson. Merci pour une bonne année et d’être partie de cette podcast. Par tout le monde ici- Avoir une excellente journée!!!


Tableau de planification


Les membres du groupe : Sam, Daniel, Brandon
Le titre de votre baladodiffusion : Comment détruire une vie de quelqu’un dans 4 étapes
Le genre : Comédie.
Le(s) thème(s) abordé(s) :  Discussions
Épisode #1 (Titre et description) Comment détruire la relation de quelqu’un
Épisode #2 (Titre et description) Comment perdre l’emploi de quelqu’un
Épisode #3 (Titre et description) 7 facons de deranger le jour de quel qu’un
Épisode #4 (Titre et description) Comment rendre quelqu’un en faillite dans 8 étape
Un logo  CDV
Une description de votre émission Détruire les vies
L’introduction de chaque épisode Music puis les avertisseme et les parraineur
Plan de production bihebdomadaire 1.  Nommes les épisodes

2.  Écrire l’épisode

3. Pratiquer oralement

4. Faire notre enregistrement

5. Mis sur Edu-blogs



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