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Category: English 11

English Illumination Project

A Dream Within a Dream

The Poem: A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe was published in 1849.

The poem addresses reality, what is there to grasp. What is ever more real- what you perceive to be real or a dream as, isn’t it the same thing; as sand slowly runs through your fingers all your left with is the emptiness of nothing. The Narrator is the author, as he speaks about his experience and his ideal of life. Albeit, Edgar Allan Poe was considered insane and ‘a broken man,’ but his vision of perception of life has brought question to many people in today’s world.

As a poem, it is concrete, it contains many denotations as what he says is what he means. The tone is ambiguous and philosophical, it’s melancholic as it can be odd. It tries to envision life where the life you have isn’t yours. As the tone generally stays the same throughout the poem. The Structure is 11 for the first stanza, then 13 for the next. It is a sonnet as each stanza has a rigid rhyme scheme except for the first. It has an End rhyme of AA,BB,CC . Multiple Assonance of vowels have been put in the poem for internal rhyme: that my days have… As well as the multiple scenarios as he sells the reader on the life we perceive is to be nothing but a dream: of a surf-tormented shore; through my fingers to the deep; in a night, or in a day, in a vision, or in non. Some have said to be referenced to Plato: Theaetetus, Aristotle and Descartes. But multiple references towards philosophical viewpoints; as life is but a dream, lonely and fake.

  • Repetition from “in a night, in a day.” “dream within a dream” Assonance between the vowels of E such as: Is it therefore the less gone? The Poem’s title presented greatly the significance of the poem. Finally, the poem succeeds to recreate a sense of mystery and confusion to the reader, he presents his life as though it were a new. But as a life not even lived.

The Song used in the project was called Sarajevo by Max Richter, we chose this song to use in the project because the tone it set matched the poem’s sanity, as well as the hurt Mr. Poe was suffering, upon that we realized how melancholic the poem could be, as the background vocals symbolized a “cry.”

Images: for each line we chose an image that represented the situation and how we envisioned it, I added scenes from the movie Inception as to coordinate with Mr. Poe’s belief for the background. The Images change as the lines change with it, allowing the image to relate to the music and the poetry.

1st Image: We used it as quite literal, the way it is and said

2nd Image: it was an image of “it’s only a dream” since the lined spoke of dreams and such

3rd Image:  As the line pursued to speak of Day and Night, Noah found an image with day on the left and night on the right

4th Image: Then we took some scenes from inception: a popular movie based on the same idea of the poem.

5th Image: As the line spoke of dreams once more, we took another picture of one dreaming

6th Image: Speaks about roars and such so we took the wives as an imagery.

7th: Grain’s of golden sand: we took sand slowly dripping out of a hand.

8th: I took the scene of Inception once more to take part in the emotional distress in the poem as well as in the scene.

9th: During while I weep, i took a video of someone weeping to illustrate.

10th: Then hands grasping to synchronize with the line

11th: As the conclusion of ” in a dream within a dream.” We took this picture to illustrate how the young lady was ‘drifting away’

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Capital Punishment within the short story, ‘Two Fishermen’

Capital Punishment: the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.

*in this picture presents 1 of many methods of ‘Capital Punishment,’ this is by lethal injection, which is a dosage of high concentrated poison designated for the body’s internal choke points( heart, lungs, brain, etc).

1.Is Capital Punishment still valid here in Canada?

The Capital Punishment used to be valid, as crimes of murder, treason and rape since 1865 t’ill 1962, where Arthur Lucas and Robert Turpin were that last few to be publicly hanged in Toronto, Ontario. As time went on, in 1966 they loosened the rules and limited the Capital Punishment to the killing of on-duty police officers and prison guards. In the year of 1976, where the capital Punishment was officially ruled out of the Canadian Criminal Code. However, there have been many times this topic has been debated as in life without parole, or to reinstate the Capital Punishment.

2. If the short story ‘Two Fishermen’ took place in Canada, what timeline?

In the story Two Fishermen, consisted of Police officers, Hangmen, Newspapers, people who supply the daily paper, and importantly cars. As the last death penalty carried out was in 1962, the death of Thomas Delaney( death in the novel) must have been carried out in 1920-1960, around that time period since the fully functioning fueling automobile was during that time period.

3.Should Thomas have been killed for his actions?(killed the man who *censored* his wife)


In the book Two Fishermen, consists of a man who has been hung for the reasons to quarrel with morals and reason, but in its heat of the moment, he acted as any man would have, to protect one’s own called flesh and blood.

Starting off, he should not have been killed, but the in the logic of the law he should; this is where morals and reason debate. In the beginning is most radical action would to be killing the man who molested his wife, in this case he was fueled by the anger of what the man did but because he killed him out of anger, he was sentenced because in a sense, no matter how far someone’s rage is- no one should kill anyone, no one should be obligated to kill another man no matter the reason, not saying that he should be killed for killing the man who ruined his wife, but he did not deserve to die either. In modern day court, the execution of Jeff Ferguson in 2014 for the rape and murder of Kelli Hall, the Hall family’s father admitted that his family has come to deeply regret the man’s execution, for what happened had already happened and it won’t close any wounds, “believed the myth that Ferguson’s execution would close our emotional wounds.” as the man claimed. It’s similar in this case because, if they can have mercy for the attacker, they should have mercy for the one who defended their own.

             “Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The one who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury.”(Leviticus.24:19-21)-To this day one would still keep up with the ‘eye for an eye movement’ To the law, it would seem that Thomas Delaney has no right to kill the molester since he is not ‘the law’, because if people started bringing the law into their own hands, blood shed would be as prevalent as rain. But he kept the ‘eye for an eye movement’, the man deserved it and in a sense, he needed to avenge her honor. Mr. Delaney should not have been killed, but to be sent for life at worse, if one was to  follow what one were to be told, and to end up the ones to be punished for it would be hypocrisy at the highest corruption. People saying “To do the same is no better than what they are.” But not everyone has this subtle mercy, and it’s impossible to blame yet kill everyone who tries to defend their own they call flesh and blood. There was a vote of Capital Punishment: “Do you feel that executing people who commit murder deters others from committing murder, or do you think such executions do not have much effect?” (2/5-11/08) That the ‘Not much effect’ group had won, because for each murder lies a story, and it’s their reason alone. If the society only punished the people who had killed but not why, then it might as well be victim killing.

“There had been a struggle and Thomas Delaney had taken a bad beating before he had killed Rhinehart.” As self defense has been a more common counter-argument in court. It proves effect, the key word in the quote is “had taken a bad beating before he had killed Rhinehart.” This shows that there was struggle between the two, as well as the struggle between the perpetrator and the two, also stating that Mr. Delaney was the one who took the beating, not Mr. Rhinehart. Even so, knowing that this was not modern day, they still had a court where they had a chance to plea for their innocence, in this case- he did not get the chance. When pleading for a self defense case, it’s important to know if “Is the Threat Imminent?Was the Fear of Harm Reasonable?Imperfect or Perfect Self-Defense? Proportional Response?” In the case of Mr. Delaney, it checks out. Because it was clear that Mr. Rhinehart was the first to attack, it was his despair to lose the fight.

In conclusion, Mr. Delaney was robbed of his mercy, robbed of his wife, and in end-robbed of his life. Albeit his voice in the act was silenced, but his act in his decision was justified by morality and man’s logic. If mercy can be forgiven upon the enemy, the victim should be free, if killing the killer has no change in the limitations then why become the killer. Mr. Delaney was protecting his wife, as so returning the attack that Mr. Rhinehart has so forth given. One will, nor should not be restricted to protect their own life, or others. He died, hanging in the face of the public to only prove that his death was wronged.


https://www.utm.edu/staff/jfieser/class/160/7-cap-pun.htm Capital Punishment introductory and past conflicts.

https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-capital-punishment-in-canada-508141 As the history of Capital Punishment in Canada.

http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-law-basics/self-defense-overview.html On what case do self-defense apply?

3rd Reason quote from the short story Two Fisherman.

Image by Wade Goodwyn http://www.npr.org/2015/01/06/375399560/botched-lethal-injection-executions-reignite-death-penalty-debate


English 11 Food Critic Assignment

English 11 Food Critic Assignment

*I did not actually eat here*

Writing #1


Love is like food in many ways, it requires passion, the combinations mixed together create an aroma of romanticism flourishing and in that, the creation of something completely new; for one cannot operate without the other. No matter what genre of cuisine whether fast, casual, or fine—The taste should be made with thought, the texture should be made with care, the scent should be crafted to motivate and inspire.

In a restaurant, the food is not entirely the most important but a critical aspect of traditional dining, modern day usually requires beautiful or appropriate décor subjugating its theme, the food must evolve as time grows as the service must be quick and subtle. Fable is a young aspiring restaurant rising quickly in the city of Vancouver, it provides warmth of passion dedicated into the food as it rebounds to the atmosphere as a dim romantic ecosystem. The Butcher’s Cut is one of many noticeable menus that attend to the guests as a ‘fan favorite’. It’s potato pavé is a soft creamy coating and an excellent sub-dish which blends softly with the creamed delicate and tenderly cooked fragile beef, topped with broccolini and stunningly roasted shallots as garnish. As well as their appetizers and desserts presented beautifully. The Chick Pea Fritters: Made with their own specialty house curry mayo, toppled with pickled red onions and slow steamed pea shoots. In all there would be nothing without desserts to finish the memorable night, as Fable manages to cast away the worst in sweets and brings in the best in delicacies. Though food is one aspect of dining the quantity compared to quality is critical and which fable has not yet completely achieved, as Fable’s cuisine is much more like edible art, beautiful, and appealing; it does not however feel like a full meal—it does however implement affordable pricing to fine dining allowing a larger audience to appeal. However, the spotlight that which what Fable truly transcends into is its overall setting, it brings memories to delight and new stories to create; as Fable goes on, it truly represents how a restaurant can be something more than fork and knives whereas a home away from home. Its clear, crisps wooden tables scent of fresh mahogany. The lights closely balance the darkness and surrounds you into a feeling of cold melancholy warmth.

In the grand scheme of things, Fable is young but progressive. It’s not what they have right now that truly invites people to dine, but the potential they’ve presented and has successfully captivated its diners to come back hoping for more, because it’s hope that brings people together. As their effort and drive is put into every dish they put out, must be pure passion. Because in the long run, it’s not how it tasted but how it made you feel; whether it’s reminiscing that nostalgic moment of your life or red roses and pink wine—it’s much more than food, it’s the memories you’ll make.


Link to Yelp Review : https://www.yelp.ca/review_share/p5thThuUITUjAy8gS3sPMw/review/NujDyjG_8HYpnvlbP9vL0A?ref=ce


Link to the Word Document:  Food Cuisine Writing-r0hkd3


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