Memories Sold Here 

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If there’s one thing in life, it would be the memories one accrues over experience, whereas the materialistic rewards — “Happiness is in the content of moment-to-moment experiences. Nothing material is intrinsically valuable, except in whatever promise of happiness it carries.” Conveying that the things in life we are constantly being exposed to become the least that matters. As the post describes that objects become long enough for it to seem imperfect, or they were imperfect from the start,  and the memorable nostalgic reminiscence become “sweeter with time;” Whereby, even a bad experience can become a good laugh sometime in the future.

This post interests me because we constantly live in a society confined by materialistic motives, and means of living, or simply a currency of fleeting happiness. But the main sources of happiness are the memories and experiences we create. Some things die, but some memories live on forever.

The author of the post depicts the reality of experience vs materialism with plenty of support and evidence. Occasionally, he mixes his own opinions with the statement and studies of others. The insight of life he sheds upon is constantly supported by other people — Psychologist professor Daniel Gilbert, Matthew Killingsworth, Thomas Gilovich, and Amit Kumar.