October 28th– Learned the basis of ASL.

The ABC’s, how to operate basic greetings,  learned the basis of family and such, like brother, sister,etc.  Greetings. The group is eager to learn and share this ideology. The beginning is rough, and some are more into what the Kardashians are up to than learning ASL. Though the beginning will be rough, i have faith that we’ll complete this project no problem.

November 4th– Basic sentences

As in Hello, my name is_____, or do you speak ASL?, combining the ABC’s into common sentences to form phrases in conversations. This was the day when we tried to take on something entirely new.  None of us were capable of sign language. As sentences can range from simply spelling out the alphabets to signs that were confusing enough to remember by heart.

November 18th-Draft ideas for the presentation

I’m drafting ideas, scripting for the presentation while the rest of the group study up on their ASL. To always keep in mind that we want to expand exposure of what  people who only communicate through ASL go through, and how every now and then if more people knew how to communicate with them. We can include more  people in society.

November 25th– ASL speaking/communicating is somewhat working, writing for the presentation.

I’m writing the speech, organization, and script for the presentation, it is almost finished as the rest of the group can keep working on ASL.

December 2nd-

Today Ryan is away but Brandon and I, are working on the video, here are some simple ASL that will be demonstrated and can be learned easily to the general public. ASL is something people should know at least of little of.

January 6th

Today is the start and finish of our script for our ASL video, we’ve covered mostly everything and hopefully will finish before the last week of the first semester.  Not much to say other than the group only wants to finish this project for better or for slightly better than worse. The remember of sign language is not the toughest part but using two hands to spell out the alpha bet as fast as possible so we could keep up with people who speak normally. This project has really differentiated the lives of people who live with and without the ability to speak ASL.

January 13th

We are finally filming and prepping for the presentation next Friday.  Hopefully all the effort and time we put into the work will pay off in hopes of helping others as well as our grades. All in all, we’ve had our fair share of problems along this road, but our goal always was to present how strongly communication is to people and what happens without it. Life would be different, interactions– Sign language is something we believe every 1 in 3 people should know.  It helps further include more and more people into more lives.  Although this is the final update, i was tasked with the production of the film and will be uploaded here.