We didn’t really know what our plan was for the project, we were thinking about making something. But then we had the idea of instead of making something we could spread awareness on some sort of social media platform. Now thats where we needed think i little bit. We thought of using Instagram but then we were decided to use Twitter. We tried to connect with Yazeed through Twitter and email but he didn’t respond. When we found out about the video call that our class was gonna have we had hope. We knew we could get great and key information from Yazeed to help us with our project.
What we have learned so far
Some of the skills i have developed was i was able to think of ideas to make a tweet. We had to think of something cool like a fact or something in the tweet to gather attention. I realized to make a tweet you must be quite creative when it comes to actually creating it. On the screenshot above it shows some of the tweets it has sent out. I would say i have met my learning goals when it came to making some sort of connection for the project.
Debrief of the experience
Our collaboration went pretty well when it came to figuring out ideas. We used all of our groups ideas and found which ones were best suited for specific tasks. I did well in thinking of ideas for the tweets. I added some cools facts to the tweets. But i don’t know if i like how the connections based learning goes.