Science 9
We didn’t really know what our plan was for the project, we were thinking about making something. But then we had the idea of instead of making something we could spread awareness on some sort of social media platform. Now thats where we needed think i little bit. We thought of using Instagram but then we were decided to use Twitter. We tried to connect with Yazeed through Twitter and email but he didn’t respond. When we found out about the video call that our class was gonna have we had hope. We knew we could get great and key information from Yazeed to help us with our project.
What we have learned so far
Some of the skills i have developed was i was able to think of ideas to make a tweet. We had to think of something cool like a fact or something in the tweet to gather attention. I realized to make a tweet you must be quite creative when it comes to actually creating it. On the screenshot above it shows some of the tweets it has sent out. I would say i have met my learning goals when it came to making some sort of connection for the project.
Debrief of the experience
Our collaboration went pretty well when it came to figuring out ideas. We used all of our groups ideas and found which ones were best suited for specific tasks. I did well in thinking of ideas for the tweets. I added some cools facts to the tweets. But i don’t know if i like how the connections based learning goes.
Mitosis Analogy – Daniel Robidoux
Climate Action Week 3 – Infographic
Climate Action Project – Video
Spreading Awareness for Yemen – Daniel Robidoux
Spreading Awareness
For our project we wanted to spread awareness towards Yemen. One reason we decided this is because i found a video where someone asked questions to random people in the streets. One of the questions were “What are the worst problems happening in countries right now”. And most people said Syria, Iraq etc. Which are very important but there was one person out of the dozens who said Yemen. So that told us that there aren’t many people who are aware about Yemen.
Essential Question Project – Daniel Robidoux – Science 9 – Block D
How can spreading awareness lead to helping Yemen?
Above is my essential question. Me and my group are planning on spreading awareness on social media for Yemen because they need help. Our plan is to spread awareness about Yemen so people can see what is actually going on in this country. Our question is meaningful to we because if people realize what is happening. Because I am sure that not many people know about their crisis. They dont have many basic things like usable electricity or even basic drinking water. For me i definitely think this is a huge problem for their country.
I thought this video was really good about this topic because it shows that not many people know about Yemen and whats going on in it. I discussed this topic above a bit but that directly shows why there needs to be more people spreading awareness because if nobody knows about it then how can we help them? People also need to be educated about this topic about Yemen so they understand what it is and how to help it.
1 – Yemen – Real lives
Author – Unicef
In this article it talks about the different diseases that people in Yemen get from drinking dirty water or eating unhealthy food. And also how 25 rapid respone teams helped the people. This article is really helping by spreading the word about these problems.
Source :
2 – “We call it the forgotten war” says Yemeni immigrant
Author – Clare Hennig – CBC News
When i found this article it blew my mind because just by the title its says “the forgotten war” because not many people at all know about it or are educated about it. In quotations “One Yemeni immigrant in Vancouver, Wyle Baoween, said he is shocked at how little awareness there is about the conflict” directly from the article. And me and my group want to do exactly what Wyle wants to do which is increase awareness. And it being from an immigrant from the country makes it even better because he actually experienced what its like there.
3 – Joint U.S-Yemen project raises awareness of mental health in war-torn country
Author – Laura Kelly – The Washington Times
I picked this article because it highlights multiple things that we are looking for. First of all it helps by understanding that other people are als trying to spread awareness about this and not only us. And second it highlights another issue in a country like this which is mental health. Imagine not being able to go outside because there is literally a war going on outside on the streets. It would’nt be uncommon for people to start developing mental health issues. In this article it says that mental health treatment is being forgotten of in Yemen and other middle eatern countrys facing these same problems. Laura Kelly explains this and while having “spreading awareness” in mind.
Source :
When finding these sources i have also found many more i read through and i think those and these 3 i presented definitely helped me answer my big question. There are dozens of ways countries like Yemen are struggling and it gives me and my group an idea of how to approach spreading awareness to other people so they can help.
1 – Questions
Do you think it is possible for the governement to help or not?
Could the governement have prevented all of this from happening before?
Why do you think the mafia is doing all of this?
2 – What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?
I used Google and Creative Commons.
3 – How did you verify and cite the information you found?
If its a site that i know or a site that in my opinion would be real i would use that. There were many sites that i were gonna use but it didn’t seem real.
4 – Show your research in a works cited
Youtube video :
Picture (using creative commons) :
How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
I dont think i could think of something that culd of gone better but i know that the process went really smoothly and straight forward.
Electricity Mind Map – Daniel Robidoux
Electricity Mind Map
- How was electricity first discovered?
- How does a power generator create electricity?
- Is electricity used in the human body?
- How is lightning created in the sky?
- Are there any power sources other than electricity?
- What is an electric field?
- Will high demand for electricity go up over time?
Currents From the Kitchen – Lab
About this project
In this project we are trying to figure out which fruit gives off the most electricity. In this project we used a voltmeter, some wires and a piece of copper and a nail with iron wrapped in nickel. So we measured the volts for each fruit and these are the results.
Dragon Fruit – 0.7 volts
Apple – 0.2 volts
Orange – 0.4
Lemon – 0.8
Banana – 0.5 volts
So for the conclusion, the lemon got the most volts. Which was what i guessed during the prediction! I may have been right about the lemon being acidic and it could give off more electricity. I just looked it up and found out that it is because of the citric acid in the lemon and that the charged particles can flow through the acid. And the apple got the least amount of volts with 0.2 volts. My guess is that the apple, banana and potato didn’t score as well maybe because they don’t have as much liquids inside of it. But also one of my observations is that the orange also has lots of juices like the lemon but it scored a total of half the amount of volts the lemon had. Not sure why that happened.