Core Compitencies

Core Competencies


I will be self-reflecting on the sway I did for English and my all about me, it’s about a story that I thought about that would be funny and seem interesting once you read through it.


How I used my creative thinking into this:


I thought about things that would grab the reader’s attention in the beginning and middle of the story, I made it sounds like a true story because of how descriptive and how vivid my story was which made it incredibly better.


How I think creatively of ideas from home and school is that, I think more creatively at school making me process things much better at school and makes me try harder because there is a topic of what to do such as my sway made me think hard and creative for that reason. At home I don’t really try because there’s no topic nor motivation.


Somethings that help me generate ideas is thinking ahead of what the topic is about as well as researching about the topic to understand more, for the sway I did I generated ideas of what happens to me at home and thinking ahead of what the next outcome might be, I also like being descriptive and grabbing the reader’s attention about the story and everything making the reader love to read more.



How is show my listening skills is when the teacher is speaking, I put my stuff down and show active listening towards the teacher until she’s don’t talking about the topic or what is happening, this affects my all about me project a lot because if I didn’t listen to the requirements I would’ve not known what to do causing me to get a bad grade but I did show active listening and I got a amazing grade.


Some skills I use to enhance. My learning skills is I use descriptive words and don’t make the sentences basic and plain I add words and sentences that grab the reader’s attention and some fun facts that the reader will see that is interesting. For my all about me I added some fun facts and descriptive words to show my learning.

Consumable Waste

What types of packaging does food come in?

There are many types of packaging that food comes in such as plastic , cardboard and paper which can be harmful if set out in the sea.

What types of material are in food packaging?

plastics, metals  (aluminum, steel), wood, styrofoam, paper, and glass.

Why do I think those materials were chosen specifically?

The reason most major companies chose to use to materials is because it would be perfect food food preservation. The packaging protects the products and stops them and the energy, water and materials used to make them from going to waste. it also won’t go bad if you leave it in the fridge or in the counter top. another reason is , is that the companies don’t have to spend a lot of money on the making or buying of the material or product.

how is packaging both positive and negative for the consumer?

Some positive benefits for packaged food is that it can be persevered and still stay fresh and clean , as well as you can transport it anywhere without any problems that will affect the food or anything else. food packaging extends the food life for the product on the shelf or you could call it shelf life whatever suits you best.

Some negative impacts are , while packaging the product it makes it look newer and fresher on the shelf or freezer grabbing the customers attention so most store owners raise the prices of food that are packaged like that. Another one is how it affects land fill, the packaging is responsible for 1 third of the worlds waste problem in the sea and in surface land , because the plastic that they use cannot be dissolved or broken down until 7 years and even then theres some left.

What happens to these packaging materials once we have eaten the food inside?

Most people throw it out in the garbage or the designated area of where you have to throw it, some people become lazy and just throw it out in the ocean or streets causing animals to eat them thinking its food then the animals can’t digest plastic and it will stay in their stomach for years and slowly die from the plastic chemicals.

Where is the packaging waste in 1 day 1 year 1 hundred years?

In 1 day the food packaging (plastic) goes to the human landfills or in the waterways or oceans

in 1 year the plastic still continues to stay in the ocean or landfill and gradually grows larger every year by a lot. in the present right now theres enough plastic and garbage to make up a size of an island.

in 100 years most plastic usually broke down a little but that doesn’t stop the new plastic waste to come in making it larger and staying the same unless they make a system to get rid of plastic but that will happen soon in the future.


3-4 suggestions for ways that consumers (us) can decrease the amount of waste we create.

my first suggestion  would be to pick up garbage from the ground and put them in the garbage or recycling bin.

my second suggestion would be to to inform others about the problems about what will happen to the environment and oceans if we don’t recycle or reduce the amount of waste going into the oceans

my third suggestion would be to use or bring your own bags (non plastic) when you go shopping or do other things instead of getting more plastic and making that go into the oceans or land fill.



Ordering Rational Numbers

what I did was for the yellow one is I wrote out how far the numbers go so it will look like whats bigger and smaller which made it easier to understand ( greater Is on the left and least in on the right)

for the blue I turned the 2 numbers on the right into common denominator and determined what is bigger and smaller then I just divided the middle 2 and got the decimal which made it simpler to answer.

Digital Footprint

  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? 

a. It could affect your future big time because the choices you make for your Socal media life is very sensitive. if you post something on Instagram thats very inappropriate or illegal it could give you a bad reputation, lets say your going to a collage and you got a scholarship for basketball and the coach sees it they will kick you out of the team or they will revoke your scholarship.

b. Lets say you are going to get your first job and you apply the manager or owner will possibly do a background check and he will come across your bad posts, that will make you not accepted to the job making you have a terrible reputation.


2.  Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

My first strategy is to think before you post because if you post without thinking something bad will happen in the near future regarding the photo your posted.

My second strategy is to turn off your location when your using Social media apps like snapchat and other stuff because some people will track you down and It won’t be that pleasant or safe.

And my third and final one is too post positive stuff not  illegal stuff like drugs and other stuff make sure your posting stuff that is positive for the Social media community.


3.  What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I would tell the younger people preferably people in middle school the problems that will occur in the future if you don’t watch what you say or post on social media. Also I would also advise them to make sure they don’t share their location , add random strangers and talk to random people online also they should always keep their accounts private and always accept people they know.


In conclusion, your digital footprint should be always in good and positive hands make sure that the things you post are not bad illegal or inappropriate and never ever tell a stranger your location make sure your location services are off it seriously helps!


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This year at riverside I will be participating in the soccer team and hopefully bring home some trophies and I’m going to focus on getting straight A’s as well! -Daniel 2019