First peoples post

My subject was “Learning involves generational roles and responsibility”. I chose tis video because in this video below the first nations people are keeping their island clean and they are taking their part of responsibility with it, they plant trees to make sure they wont run out or lack trees for the future. They plants their own food without any preservatives to make sure they do not harm insects or the plant. They also limit use of vehicles because they know it pollutes the atmosphere and it is not good for their environment.

For our science experiment it relates to their principles, we are growing plants with different liquids looking for changes, but growing plants involves a lot of responsibility because you have to make sure you water it on a certain amount of days so you don’t starve it or flood the plant and you don’t want to harm the plant.

So far for our science experiment we have not done any harm to the plant (other than changing the liquids that we water it with but that is not that bad because it was for the experiment), kai and I make sure we keep track of when we water the plant to make sure we are watering it properly, we make sure we keep it in good condition (so making sure it does not get knocked over or anything other like that), so I would say this is great responsibility.

Our human impact on the environment is bad compared to the first nations people because we pollute our environment by emitting carbon into the atmosphere by driving cars where they try to use little vehicle transport and we use pesticides on our plants and food where as they don’t use them because they want to keep everything pure as they said in the video.