Exploring quadratic functions

Quadratic functions is a formula of y=ax²+bx+c, and the letters a, x, and c do not equal to 0. The formula also carries a curved line called a “Parabola” which can face up or down but will always be in a “U” shape formation.

Y=0x²+4x+0 here is a example of a non quadratic function
Y=2.5x²+0x+0 here is a example of a quadratic function

Screenshot of a standard function when b and c equal to 0 and when y is set to 1

When a is below 0, the parabola goes downwards, and when a is great than 0, the parabola goes upwards. Both parabolas have a minimum point but not a maximum point because the line continues to go.

When -1 < a < 1, the lines get wider and the closer the number is to 0, the more wider it gets then it curves downwards. When a > 1, the parabola gets tighter.



These two functions show the relationship when A is a positive and a negative

When C changes, the whole line is flat and it either moves up or down depend on what integer C is

0=ax²+4.2x+10 line touches X only

Y=2.2x²+0x+0 crosses -1 and 1

Y=0x²+3x+0 does not cross the X line


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