Science 10 – Rube Goldberg project (breakfast constructor 3.0)

Here is the final design image for the project, the steps will be written below the image of the final machine which will be including all of the energy transformations, energy forms, and the simple machines used in the machine.

Steps for how the project works:

  1. Toaster makes the bread, and then when the toaster pops out the toast will hit the wheel and axle forcing it to roll down the inclined plane. (In the video above I didn’t want to have to wait for the toaster to toast the bread so I simply pushed the wheel and axle down the incline plane to speed up the process)
  2. The wheel and axle rolls down the inclined plane after being hit by the toast, hitting the books and causing a chain reaction.
  3. Each book falls down, and as the last book falls it hits the back of the ball in order to give it a push to roll down another inclined plane.
  4. The ball falls through the little basketball rim, going into another inclined plane.
  5. The ball will now hit the bottle filled with milk causing it to spill and pour into the smaller cup filled with milk.
  6. As the final step, the bigger bottle of milk falls and the milk successfully is poured into the smaller cup with syrup creating a nice breakfast with a piece of toast and milk.

Energy forms used: 

  1. Mechanical energy: The ball/wheel axle rolls down the inclined plane. This happens more than once throughout the entire experiment.
  2. Gravitational energy: When the ball comes down the inclined plane and falls through the hoop landing on another inclined plane.
  3. Electrical energy: The toaster, and how the toaster toasts the bread. This could also be called thermal energy but in my opinion electrical energy is more appropriate
  4. Sound energy: When the ball hits the bigger bottle of milk pouring into the smaller glass of milk, it creates a ding! sort of sound.
  5. Chemical energy: When the bigger bottle of milk pours into the smaller cup filled with syrup, it mixes up together creating a sweeter milk.

Energy transfers/transformations used:

  1. Mechanical energy to gravitational energy: When the ball is rolling down the inclined plane (mechanical) which then falls through the hoop (gravitational).
  2. Electrical energy to thermal energy: The toaster, and how the toaster is able to toast the bread for the project to start itself.
  3. Mechanical energy to sound energy: When the ball rolls down the inclined plane and hits the bottle of milk creating a clatter sound.

Bonus energy transfers:

  1. Gravitational energy to mechanical energy: When the ball falls through the hoop (gravitational) and lands and starts rolling on another inclined plane (mechanical).
  2. Sound energy/thermal energy to mechanical energy: When the toaster toasts the bread (sound/thermal) creating a sound when the toast pops out and rolling the ball downwards on the inclined plane (mechanical).

Simple machines used: 

  1. Wheel and axle: On top of the toaster
  2. Inclined plane: Placed multiple times throughout the machine, there were a total of 3 inclined planes. The first one was connecting the wheel and axle placement towards the books, the second one was connecting the basketball to the hoop, and the third one was connecting the hoop towards the glass of milk.
  3. Screw: The screw was placed on top of the basketball rim, like mentioned in the video the screws were not there when I first set up the basketball rim, I had to place screws as well as the hangers in order for the backboard to hang onto the bookshelf.

Here is the Core Competency for this project: 

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