English 9 – Stop motion project: The Hitchhiker

For our Stop Motion project, my group decided to do the story “The Hitchhiker”, and the reason why we chose this story was because we thought that it was very straight forward and simple enough to do. We decided to use a green screen, as we thought that it would be simple to do because after we took all the pictures we could just use the green screen and insert the highway or the roads in the background. I contributed to the project by bringing the tripod, writing these 4-6 sentences, and I also helped by editing the project, I helped by using the green screen and by editing it so that the road/highway would be in the back, so I felt like I did an equal role in the project. I liked how our project turned out, I liked the quality of our project and the creativity by using the green screen and I liked the editing overall.

One thought on “English 9 – Stop motion project: The Hitchhiker

  1. Thank you for posting the “Stop Motion Project” based on your short story unit. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective, that I wanted to share with you:

    – Great editing and overall presentation creating a stop motion video
    – Extremely professional in format (replicates the medium), use of green screen and multiple settings (road, highways, etc.)
    – Few points where your hands show up (could have eliminated)
    – Excellent sound effects (car screeching and the sirens)
    – The stop motion was a bit jumpy, could have been further balanced
    – Recreates the story using the creative fluency (new product)
    – Posted and embedded correctly on your Edublog

    Thank you for sharing and well done!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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