16 Personalities – Conor Chisholm

  1. Campaigner. ENFP-T.
  2. Creative, charismatic, extroverted.
  3. This could help you understand yourself and others especially in group work, you are able to divide certain tasks to the people whos personality type will help them succeed the task. or it could help in real life exchanges with people and you can understand more clearly why they act a certain way or say certain things.
  4. Becuase there are only 16 personality types but I believe everyone’s personalities are different, some may be similar but mostly people have different personalities. So, there would be too many personalities to put onto the website in order for it to be 100% accurate because everyone’s personality in some way is different.

Neuron Communication!

Neurons are cells that transmit information. they’re composed of cell body

  • cell body
  • dendrites: conduct message towards cell body
  • axon: conduct message away from cell body



Action Potential:

  • The nerve impulse is an electrochemical signal
  • A brief charge that travels down an axon
  • Resting potential means that the positive ions are on the outside
  • Depolarization an incoming message stimulates section for axon
  • Repolarization allows ions to escape axon



  • Includes: tips of terminal branches of axons, tiny space between neurons, and ends of dendrites receiving neurons
  • Action Potential reaches axon terminal
  • Ap causes synaptic vesicles to release NT into synaptic gap
  • NT diffuses through gap and bind to receptors on receiving neuron
  • Neurotransmitters are used to carry the signal from the axon terminal of the sending neuron to the dendrite of the receiving neuron.