Math 10 Week 3

3rd week in math and starting the 2nd unit of math learning about exponents, and picking up stuff from unit 1 that we were already doing as well.

One thing we learned that has applied in lots of our lessons was applying Exponent Laws to help simplify longer questions, we learned about 4 laws, and one law that helps and exception.

Multiplication law: 3^4 : 3^5, we add the exponents in this law to equal 1 final exponent, so 4+5= 9, so the answer is 3^4 : 3^5 = 3^9, note the base must be the same.

Division law: When you see the same base exponents in a fraction, you can subtract the bottom exponent from the top one to equal 1 exponent: \frac{latex 3^5$}{3^4}$ 5-4 so final answer = 3^1

Power Law: If you see an exponent in brackets with another exponent outside the brackets, you can multiply the 2 exponents and keep the base: (3^4) [outside exponent of 5] 4×5=20 so final answer = 3^20

*Exception Law – Zero Exponent Law: This law only has 1 rule, if the exponent of any base is 0, the answer is automatically 1, *very easy if its outside the brackets!

One thought on “Math 10 Week 3

  1. Hi Connor. I like that you are making use of the lateX coding. There looks to be a few that aren’t showing exactly they way you’d like … come see me before school and I can help you tweek the code so that the expressions display properly.

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