Mutation Project-Hypertrichosis


Hello, my name is hypertrichosis and I am a genetic mutation.  I am made from insertion which is adding amino acids to change the genetic code on my host’s body.  My host’s body is named Franklin.  I change the genetic code in Franklin’s body to make his hair grow uncontrollably all over his body, even in places where hair is not supposed to go such as on his forehead and nose.  Franklin could not control his hair growth at all which caused him to live a different life than most other people.

The main cause of mutations like me happen because you add amino acids into the genetic code which changes the way you’re normal cells function which will make it so the hair will grow excessively in either one bizarre place (localised hypertrichosis) or through the whole body (generalised hypertrichosis).  Franklin has generalised hypertrichosis so it is very difficult to control his hair growth.


Ask: What causes this type of mutation?

What affects does it have?

How can I make an interesting story out of this information?

Acquire: I got the information by doing a quick google search.  I used a few different websites as you can see in my sources category.

Analyze: In this stage I basically just thought to myself: How can I make this information work with the goal of this project.  I then began to write in my own words the information that I wanted to use in my story.

Apply: As I was applying the information, I referred to the questions I asked at the start and I wrote the story according to those questions. (as well as the criteria sheet questions).

Assess: When I was finished with the story I reanalyzed it.  I think the information process went well.  I maybe could have done more just to make the story more interesting but I think I got a good result none the less.  The information fluency process can be applied with a lot of other things in school too, so it’s a useful thing to know.





Edible DNA Model

In science class today we made a DNA model with marsh mellows and licorice.  We used the colors of the marsh mellows to associate the model with the code TAC GTA TGA AAC.  The green marsh mellows Guanine (G), the pink is Cytosine (C), the yellow is Adenine (A), and orange is Thymine (T).WIN_20160108_09_43_02_Pro

Skype chat with astroscientist

Today in class we had a Skype chat with Tanya Harrison, a space scientist who worked on the mars rover, and we got to ask her questions about her job and what she knows about space.

Our questions were: How much does it cost to make the mars rover?

How long did it take in total to build and test the mars rover?

The mars rover Curiosity (the rover she worked the most with) in total costed around 2.1 billion dollars to make.  It took 8 years to build and test the rover before they launched it in space.


We also learned a lot from what other people asked, for example we learned that there could be alien life in our solar system, in mars and in some of the other planets moons.  I learned a lot from this Skype chat and it was a very good idea from my teacher.

Which fruit will conduct the most electricity?


The lemon will create the strongest electrical charge when we use it as a battery.  I think it will do this because it contains the most citric acid.

Results: 1 lemon: 0.6 volts        2 lemons: 0.9 volts

1 potato: 0.3 volts

1 orange: 0.2 volts


Observations:  1) if you put the wire on the wrong thing on the voltage meter, it goes negative.

2) The copper and zinc got wet and with the fruit/vegetable juice

3) Our group worked efficiently and quickly.

Today in class, we used a fruit to try to power a light bulb.  I think that the fruit has elements in it that are conductors and that is why we are able to push electrons and make them flow thru the wires.  Nobody was able  to get the light bulb to work because it needs 2 volts to get it powered and the fruit/vegetable does not have enough power to light the bulb ( hence why this cannot be used as an alternative to other power sources).  We would need a lot fruit just to power a light bulb so this is not a very effective power source.




Science app review

Science app review


Is the app easy to use?

Does the app contain a lot of information?

Is it good for learning?

Does it contain necessary information?

Is the app clear on the information that it gives you?

Is the information in the app as well as the app itself easy to understand?

App: The periodic table-chemistry

This is a very good app.  I’ve played around with it a lot and it is very versatile.  It is extremely easy to use and it is packed full of information.  The home page of the app is simply the periodic table with colour coded columns indicating the family of the element.  Then you can simply click on the element that you want learn about and then it takes you to a page within the app about everything that you need to know about the element including what it looks like, its melting point and so on.  I learned so much from this app alone.

Did you know that the element bismuth forms in square like patterns?  Did you know that the symbol for iron (Fe) comes from the Latin word ferrum?  These are just some of the things I learned from the app.

I would recommend this app to anybody.  It contains all the key and necessary information about the element and it is clear and easy to understand.  It is very useful and will help with your science 9 course.  Now what I think you should do is get the app and use it for yourself and maybe you can learn a lot about an element that interests you, or any other element, you can decide because that is the beauty of this app.


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In 1.2 we learned all about matter and changes of state.  We learned that all matter is made of small particles and that they are spaced differently in different states ( solid, liquid, gas).  We also learned about the kinetic molecular theory.  The theory suggests that all particles are moving and that the more energy or temperature that the particles have the more they will move.  Another thing we learned is changes of state.  We learned the vocabulary for when a solid turns to liquid, a liquid turns to gas, a gas to a solid and so on.  Lastly, we learned about elements and compounds.  Elements are substances in their purest form and compound are elements mixed to together to form another substance.  An example of an element is hydrogen and an example of a compound would be water ( two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom).  Thanks for reading what I learned about in section 1.2!