Way back when

Ah yes, I remember those days,

Back when the world wasn’t illiterate,

Back when the world had an off switch.

Yup, those days were simpler

When you wake up on a weekend

And hear the birds chirp,

And the children playing outside;

But the neon god took that away

He took away the little things,

He created a false utopia,

And now the universe is under his unbreakable spell

I prefer the the old days

Ah yes… I remember those days.


Colin Penk reciting his poem “Way back when”:



“Way back when” is a free verse poem written by Colin Penk.  It is addressing the question of why people feel the need to conform to society and its expectations.  More specifically why people are so indulged in their technological devices and why the world is becoming more dull because of it.  Colin is saying that everyone around him is conforming to the new way of life, that is living through their digital network.  Colin Penk is trying to convey that the world was better and more interesting when it was not as technological.



The Whirligig Building understanding composition-The journey

In the book “The whirligig”, Brent, the protagonist, must go on a journey to redeem his own failures when he accidentally kills somebody while driving under the the influence of alcohol.  In this journey Brent will try to get past his guilt and depression by building whirligigs, dedicated to the person he killed, to give hope to others.

Brent learns a lot about life through the tragedy that had occurred and through the journey that he takes to make up for his actions.  Throughout the journey he learns the answer to many questions, for example: What motivates us in the face of despair and oppression?  He is informed of the consequences one’s actions can have on others, weather they be good or bad, for example he he meets many faces along the way that give him hope and some that do not.  Also we learn in the book how the whirligigs are affecting other people that simply walk by and see it, and how it makes them think and feel in that situation.  Brent’s journey in the book is definitely more of “moral” journey rather then a physical journey.

In the book and throughout the journey that Brent is taking, he is not only giving hope with the whirligigs that he builds but he is also building up his own self-esteem and getting rid of his depression after he killed that girl in the car crash.  To answer the question, “What motivates us in the face of despair and oppression?”, the answer is simply “hope”.  Though Brent does not realize this right away, he starts to realize that by taking this journey he is giving hope to others and especially to the girl that he killed.  By dedicating the whirligigs to her he is making “her spirit live on”, as quoted by the book.

That is how Brent will find his hope during the journey and also the journey itself will bring hope to the people he meets throughout it and it will bring hope to, most importantly, himself.


The Veldt Poem

Modern Angst

Though families live in the same home

They could not be more alone

Daddy watches TV, while mommy listens to CD’s

As Grandpa wonders if this is the new society

We are drowning in social media

But what is social  about it?

Technology is grabbing hold of us, bit by bit

If children do not have a device on them,

They throw a fit

Why can’t anybody admit

We have every technological device

But no, it simply won’t suffice

 Families drift apart

We better go back to the start

Though it will only get worse

This problem has no solution

in our universe


Whirligig intro writing assingment

The Fascinating Results on the Study of Youth Humans

 article written by Tousot Suiolot

Due to the recent discovery of the planet Earth, I, Tousot Suiolot, have decided to go undercover on this planet as a young, what they call “teenager”.  The goal of this study was to find out how these people communicate and what sort of things they do in their lives.  I went undercover at an educational institution called a “high school” and observed and communicated with these teenagers.  All of these teenagers were very different; some were loud, some were quiet, some were sad and some were happy, some traveled in groups and some walked alone.  The number one concern of these teenagers seemed to be how many friends  they had and how well the other teenagers liked said teenager.  I am of course speaking for the majority of the teenagers for their is a lot of diversity and different feelings and opinions among this species.  During my time undercover, I managed to get invited to what they call a party. The teenagers had told me that there would be a lot of “booze” there.  I had no idea what “booze” was.  I managed to find out that booze was some kind of beverage that the teenagers thought was very good.  I went to this party and everybody at this party was drinking booze.  I did not drink it because I did not know what it was.  But as the teenagers began drinking it, they started getting a lot louder and more excited.  Even I was having a good time just because of the fact that everyone else was.  Later on I saw one teenager sitting all alone and he did not look as happy as the other teenagers.  I thought this was a good opportunity to ask him some questions to learn more about his species.  The conversation went something like this: Me:”Wazzzzzuuuuppppp!!!!!!!!” (a teenager greeting that I learned).  Teenager: “I’m not feeling good.  I drank too much and I am failing my classes.  I should not even be at this party right now, nobody here even likes me anyways.”  I walked away from this conversation to reflect on these findings. This conversation basically summed up all of my research for the rest of the study.  Teenagers just want to fit in with the rest of the teenagers, and it makes sense, we all just want to be liked.  This concludes the main results and observations of my undercover duties. I hope you find it as fascinating as I did.

How do Mushrooms/FEC complement each other thematically.

I think that both of these pieces of literature have similar thematic meanings.  I think that the main message that the authors are trying to tell us is that  if one perseveres through hardship, or in “the Friday everything changed”, inequality, than one can take small steps to have a greater, more equal society.


Mushrooms              Sylvia Plath

Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly

Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.

Nobody sees us,
Stops us, betrays us;
The small grains make room.

Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding,

Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams,
Earless and eyeless,

Perfectly voiceless,
Widen the crannies,
Shoulder through holes. We

Diet on water,
On crumbs of shadow,
Bland-mannered, asking

Little or nothing.
So many of us!
So many of us!

We are shelves, we are
Tables, we are meek,
We are edible,

Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies:

We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot’s in the door.