Tag Archives: ROB19Safety

Fictional Safety Story

Fictional Science Story

Irresponsible Student:

A student who was not paying attention while the teacher is talking mixes the wrong substances with each other inside a beaker, this made a small explosion and big mess and gets in the students eyes as he/she is not wearing safety googles & just wipes their eyes instead of using the eyewash station that is located by the emergency stop and fire blanket.

The teacher was busy with other students and did not see or hear the accident. the student deny’s the facts that he/she should tell the teacher and cleans the mess up himself without the teacher knowing anything happened.

Later the teacher finds out about the mess and informs the student that the substances they were using is toxic to human skin, the student did not know that the teacher had explained that because he/she was not paying attention when the teacher said. The student has to go to the hospital.


Responsible Student:

A student is working with fire, he/she is being very careful and cautious and using safety googles when working with a thermometer.

A random flame roars up and burs the students arm. With no delay, the student remembers the teachers instructions and runs over to the sink while informing the teacher what is happening, the student then runs the burnt arm under cold water for 15 while explaining to the teacher what had happened.

After the student tells the teacher and puts water on it, he or she goes to the school nurse for a check then lets his/her parents know what happened.