December 17

Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

200 word explanation:

“Taming of the Shrew” is a comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1592. Filming this in stop motion allowed Vivian and I to redo lines if we messed up because we are not performing it live. We could also retake scenes if we messed up or just delete some photos that were taken. We could also change the way the shot was taken that you could not do on stage. Some challenges that occured in the making of this stop motion was if the camera moved slightly, it was really noticeable, as well as if you accidentally moved a character too far in one direction. What I learned while making this project was the how to condense the main parts of a story into a short video. I also learned how to be more patient because you have to be very patient when making stop motion. In “Taming of the Shrew”, the play that is shown to Sly in the induction within the story is th inset; the inset is a story within a story that is in no way related to the main story and it’s within our stor because in the induction we are doing the parts that would lead to such inset.