December 17

Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

200 word explanation:

“Taming of the Shrew” is a comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1592. Filming this in stop motion allowed Vivian and I to redo lines if we messed up because we are not performing it live. We could also retake scenes if we messed up or just delete some photos that were taken. We could also change the way the shot was taken that you could not do on stage. Some challenges that occured in the making of this stop motion was if the camera moved slightly, it was really noticeable, as well as if you accidentally moved a character too far in one direction. What I learned while making this project was the how to condense the main parts of a story into a short video. I also learned how to be more patient because you have to be very patient when making stop motion. In “Taming of the Shrew”, the play that is shown to Sly in the induction within the story is th inset; the inset is a story within a story that is in no way related to the main story and it’s within our stor because in the induction we are doing the parts that would lead to such inset.

October 30

Animal Farm Propaganda Poster


200 word explanation.
In this propaganda poster for “Animal Farm”, the four techniques used in it are Bandwagon, Fear, Common Enemy, and Glittering Generalities. It’s Bandwagon because it says ‘We Need You’, meaning it’s trying to get people to join together to their side. It’s Fear because it shows people holding knives and guns with hanging meat. It is also Common Enemy because it says ‘The Enemy Has Always Been Here,’ meaning that the enemy has been around everyone and that they are everyones enemies. And it’s also Glittering Generalities because it says ‘If We Rebel, There Will Be Hope,’ which is a general idea that lets people come up with their own ideas of what it means. The background is red because red is more intense and is even subconsciously more threatening than other colours. The two hands holding knives represent butchers and the guy holding the gun represents Mr. Jones shooting at the barn while they were in their secret meeting. The hanging meat would be the most fearful item on the propaganda poster because it shows how the humans have no care for the animals and that they eat them. The main theme of the poster is fear and it shines over bandwagon, common enemy, and glittering generalities.

September 20

The Secluded Lot

Cody Simmons

September 19 2015

English 9

Mr. Barazzuol

The Secluded Lot

1. “”I’d like to inquire about a lot.”” Page 115

2. “After the  Committal Service – when everything possible had been done for the Departed and the Bereaved had gone their sorrowful ways – something prompted Mr. Jerome to intrude on the old man’s privacy – perhaps a word or two of comfort, which he knew so well how to administer.” Page 119

3. “”Ouch!” yelled Mr. Jerome. “That cursed bee stung me.”” Page 119

4. “”I’m not soliciting business. The bees are just going about their normal and natural pursuits. Besides, Rose Haven Nectar brings a special price.”” Page 120

5. “”This is preposterous!” Mr. Jerome exploded, his highly trained sensitivities deeply offended.” Page 120

6. “”Why should you want me to stop?” “For obvious reasons: we can’t have the mourners stung…”” Page 120

7. “At that particular second Mr. Jerome was fully occupied, easing another attacker gently off the lapel of his serge suit. All his spare time would be devoted to a solution of Mr. Blake’s special problem. It must be illegal, he thought, with every intention of rushing back to the office to examine the small print.” Page 120

8. “”Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot.”” Page 121


