Science 10 : Making Babies

My child, Ugly, has a circular face, with a less prominent square chin and medium brown skin. Ugly has wavy dark brown hair and fine medium dark brown eyebrows. He also has large, almond brown eyes with short eyelashes. His other features show that he has a medium, round nose and long thick lips. he also has cute dimples in his cheeks and free Darwin ear points.

How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?

The coin flip relates to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions because the coin has a 50 – 50% chance of getting one side, so one parent will act as one side of the coin and the other parent, the other side of the coin. Resulting in which gene is dominant and which gene is recessive.

How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?

I think this simulation does not accurately represent real life because some genes can skip a generation, so some traits wouldn’t show on the child.

Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from?

I identified some traits that I found more desirable than others. I think that these prejudices came from which traits I preferred more than others. Such as the connected eyebrows, and the not connected eyebrows. I preferred the not connected eyebrows more because it looked more appealing to me.

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