Recognizing the citizens of the past and the present for leading the country in the right direction. Recognize the different people who lead different lives and make the fabric of the country and coming get together to celebrate the big moment. This is displayed when Alexander says: “We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others, who said, I need to see what’s on the other side” (line 19-21). This talks about how while these people are doing their everyday things. They are walking or driving on those roads and train tracks built by people who were taken advantage of and oppressed, and it is a reminder that there are still issues like this happening today. Another line that caught my attention said, “We walk into that which we cannot yet see” (line 24). This line is saying that as we move forward in time, we have no clue of what will happen. This gives us a feeling of hope, that maybe our future will be a good one. This relates to Obamas inauguration, because when he was first elected people had hope that there would be some big changes happening.  This message is also enforced when the Alexander says: “Someone is stitching up a hem, darning, a hole in a uniform, patching a tire” (line 8-9). This line is saying that while people are going about their everyday tasks, it also represents the hope of stitching up these issues we have had in the past and hoping Obama could be the one to do so. Lastly, Alexander says: “We encounter each other in words, words, Spiny or smooth, whispered or demanded, words to consider, reconsider” (line 16-18). These lines talk about the power of words and how that relates to this topic. These lines talk about the power of words, and words are often used for bad. When it references “spiny words that represents a lot of racism and that has caused a lot of issues. A lot of problems have been created and a lot of issues need resolving. The hope is that Obama can be a strong voice and help with these issues.