To begin, sports teams should have the right to be able to have First Nations as their team logo. Many of these team logos were created decades ago leaving a trail of history behind their name. Changing their logo would take face away from the name and some people know the name by the face, that has a dramatic effect on the teams. Many teams have argued that their team logos are not a generic racial stereotype. According to the Chicago the Blackhawks their team name is not a generic racial stereotype, it honors a real person, Black Hawk. These teams were not trying to create such negativity from their logos, all they were trying to do is honor a person who had an impact in society in the past. The Blackhawks have partnered with Chicago’s American Indian Center to raise awareness about the First Nations, they have never tried to make them have a bad name. One team in general has taken some of the racial stereotyping of their cheerleaders into consideration and changed what they wear because they recognized that part of the costume that they were wearing was quite offensive. What was created years and years ago was a lot different than what we have today, these teams have adapted to be more respectful to the First Nations and their cultures.

On the other side, many Native Americans feel that these logos are quite outdated and that they do need to be changed. What some of the fans were doing during the games were quite offensive towards the First Nations people, for example they were painting their faces and wearing headdresses and that shouldn’t be tolerated. A large number of people from the First Nations community do not like the logos and think that they are outdated, they also think that the logos contribute to their stereotyping and think that they should all be changed in a case of respect.

Overall, the logos were designed for a reason and the reason was to not mock the First Nations people. These team logos do not give First Nations a bad name and they should not be forced to change them.