Written explanation of each of the steps including the energy transfers:

  1. The hockey puck rolls and hits the dominoes which is mechanical
  2. The dominoes fall down and hit the golf ball which is mechanical
  3. Then the golf ball rolls down the slope which is gravitational
  4. Then the golf ball falls into the cup which weighs the cup down which is gravitational which
  5. Then pulls on the string to lift the piece of card board which is mechanical which
  6. Then releases the car with the pin to roll down the slope which is gravitational
  7. Then the pin pops the balloon that has the marble inside which is sound and elastic
  8. Then the marble rolls down the slope which is gravitational
  9. Then hits the dominoes which is mechanical
  10. Then the dominoes fall down and hit the bell which is sound and gravitational

After many attempts of trying to get our machine to do a complete cycle, we were unable to get the marble to knock the dominoes over to ring the bell.